Temptation Ephemera



4 years, 3 months ago


31, Asmodeus Tiefling, Chaotic Neutral, Rogue/Warlock. She/her, Cis (?)

Ten was content to spend her whole life feeling unwanted. Her only family was a traveling dance troupe that had taken her in, but even there, it was hard to tell friend from employer. Despite this, she grew to be happy, for a while. But one night, as they were sleeping on the outskirts of a town they had just finished putting on a grand performance for, the troupe was attacked by an assassin group, assumed to be looking for some fun and on a power trip after their latest job. Ten was able to escape, but to her horror after returning to the site, she found many of her friends murdered brutally and her caravan destroyed. Even the horses had been killed. She soon found herself embroiled in a sinister plot that took her far from the Sword Coast, and when she returned she was someone who no one would recognize, least of all herself. 

In her rage and sadness, she was noticed by the Shadowcat, who goaded her into forming a pact with it to exact her revenge. She feels some jealousy towards those with an inherent apt for magic, as her relationship with the Shadowcat is tumultuous at best and keeps her moral sensibilities lower to the ground.

She knew that her mother was a tiefling, but not that her other parent was a Cambion. She was left with the caravan when she was a toddler, so her memories of her mother are fuzzy and the details were then altered by waggling tongues who also didn't know as much as they let on.

Ten believed that her mother threw her away to avoid the burden of raising a child, especially seeing as she was already a powerful figure in Baldur's gate. She could not be more wrong. She came from a curse, an assault and forced pregnancy which deeply shook her mother, but Ambition loved Temptation more than anything else, and when the baby was ripped from her arms soon after her birth it broke something in her. They only managed to find each other once ten was well into her adulthood, much to Amon's dismay. It took a long time for both of them to reconcile.

Dance troupe was called the Winged Glories (similar to Morning Glories).

Ten has a deep and tumultuous relationship with the murderous Dragonborn Aka. They met soon after she separated from her adventuring party, during a lull in work. Despite their immediate and mutual interest in each other, their relationship was rocky for many months as they tried to figure out how to be affectionate and honest with each other. Ten's dodgy and untrustworthy manner can put anyone on edge, and when your partner is a serial murderer with a chronic disease known as being haunted, it can make forming meaningful bonds quite difficult. Their relationship only improved, and was further solidified, when they realized they had to journey down to the bottom layer of hell together against all odds......