Synnda V'ehsz



4 years, 3 months ago




From Padawan to Jedi Master to Barsen'thor, he's worked hard his entire life to uphold the codes and morals he was raised with. He's never striven for power, yet somehow, well... He never expected to become second-in-command to the newest galactic superpower.

Synnda V'ehsz
Cis Man
13 BTC
Gay, Aspec, Polyam
Neutral Good
Eternal Alliance

✦ About

Softspoken and gentle, he prefers to use his words rather than resort to violence when possible. He's good at negotiating, as well as unintentionally growing a rather formidable powerbase of allies. He enjoys studying as well as art and ancient history, and could ramble about them for hours if someone were willing to listen.

Despite his gentle nature, he's formidable on the battlefield. Able to use a variety of different combat techniques, as well as being extremely proficient in Force shrouds to make him invisible even to some of the stronger Force-users he may battle, he can quickly become one of the most dangerous people on the field when the need arises.

✦ Appearance

Standing at 6'7" (200cm) and well-muscled, he's built like a brick wall; his build can be compared to a highland strongman. Zabrak, he has a crown of horns circling his head, witht he one in the middle of his forehead being the largest. He prefers to be clean-shaven, though when his hair does grow out it's near-black and only grows down the middle of his scalp. His eyes are vivid yellow, with orange creeping from the center of the irises; dark side corruption marks them and the skin around them.

He's covered head-to-toe in symmetrical tattoos, and has a lot of them even by Zabrak standards. His left arm and leg are both cybernetic, and he has scars marring the points where they meet what's left of the original limbs. Also has heavy scarring to one side of face/neck, and one across his chest from a heart surgey; the one of his chest blends in fairly well with his tattoos' colors.

Distant - Observant - Gentle - Protective

  • History
  • Learning
  • Quiet
  • Language
  • Art
  • Corruption
  • Violence, War
  • Slavery
  • Hypocrisy
  • Sarcasm
  • Polyglot
  • Force Shroud
  • Intelligent
  • Combat Prowess
  • Negotiation
  • Reading
  • Studying
  • Teaching
  • Exploring
  • Painting

"Not all is as it seems. Try again."

✦ Backstory

At mere days old, his parents realized their infant was Force-sensitive. Afraid and unsure of how to deal with it, they sent him to the Jedi, where he was soon taken to live in the Temple on Coruscant. It was there that he would spend his childhood, raised alongside a number of other younglings - most notably, Leo Vetiko who would go on to one day become the Jedi Battlemaster. From healing, to lightsaber combat, languages and cultures, he quickly picked up on the basic training he was put through as a child and quickly excelled past his peers. What little free time he allowed himself was often spent in the archives reading. His skills and prowess with the Force quickly blossomed into something he had to learn to control, lest he accidentally harm another youngling or Master during training.

At twelve, he was apprenticed to Master Kila. She was a young Jedi, having barely been Knighted a few years before, and quickly learned that she had very little to teach Synnda. Still, she did what she could with his training. That is, until the Sacking of Coruscant, when Synnda was thirteen. The pair mainly protected a group of medics until troops could reach them, and it was shortly after that Kila recieved an urgent holo: The Temple was under attack and needed immediate assistance. Taking her speeder, they were soon shot at by Imperial bombers overhead. Kila didn't survive, while Synnda was gravely injured. His injuries resulted in a four-month stay in a hospital where he was barely conscious until two weeks in, the loss of his left arm and leg, left heart needing replaced with a cybernetic, and extensive scarring that would cause him pain for years to follow. After his release, he had to significantly slow down his training as he recovered, and never had a consistent mentor as he was shifted about in the hopes of one of them being able to actually teach him something.

Finally, the Council decided that Yuon would be his final Master, and the one to put him through his Trials. So, he was sent to Tython to finish his training. On Tython, he found an ally in Qyzen Fess - and though they didn't always see eye-to-eye, Synnda grew to greatly respect him and saw him a dear friend in a very short time. With Qyzen at his side, he goes on to finish his training and be Knighted - only to immediately be cast into the role of protector as Yuon collapsed during his Knighting, plagued by an unknown illness. Synnda would spend the next months finding out what the mystery illness was, how to "cure" it, and then tracking down a number of other Jedi also plagued by it. By the end, he was exhausted and weakened, barely able to stand on his own two feet, as the "cure" actually involved him taking that darkness into himself to shroud the affected Masters from it.

During this time, he slowly expanded his crew, one such member including Lina Tophrik - twin sister to the Havoc Squad commander - who'd insisted on sticking around to act as the crew's healer with its lack of a proper one. Her relationship with her Jedi status was complicated due to her age when she joined the Order, so Synnda took it upon himself to help her learn what she didn't know; her unofficial teacher, as it were, despite her being quite a bit older than him. With the help of his team, he was able to find the source of the plague - Vivicar - possessed by a violent spirit. Rather than strike him down, and knowing that doing so would result in Synnda being forced to hold onto the plague for the rest of his life, he freed Vivicar and sent him to Tython. After the plague was dealt with, he was named Barsen'thor - and was only the third to ever exist. The shielding would leave him touched by the dark side, and spending the rest of his life ignoring its whispers and trying not to use it even as it tempted his every waking moment.

He was soon sent on his next mission: To hold the Rift Alliance together, and convince it to help the Republic. Despite his youth, and that he was still recovering from the weakening effects of the shielding technique, he proved to be an excellent negotiator and peacekeeper, keeping even the more explosive personalities of the Rift leaders from getting too upset. The death of one of the Rift leaders would lead him to taking Tobus' daughter as his first official Padawan after she'd been given time to properly grieve.

Finally would come the discovery of the Children of the Emperor. Synnda would feel guilt for striking them down, unsure if it was the right move and if the affected Children even knew what they were doing. But, he also knew it was necessary. That the Children were a danger, and that if he couldn't find a way to get through to them, then his choices were limited. That is, until he discovered Master Syo as one of the Children. He had great respect for Syo, and had looked up to him from the time he was very young - Synnda had a hard time believing it even when he saw it for himself. When they finally confronted each other on Corellia, he tried one last time to get through to the Master, after a brutal duel that nearly got them both killed. Unfortunately, Synnda - still struggling with the effects of the shielding, and with keeping his Force abilities in check - ended up killing Syo when he went in for another attack. Though that left the Children as dealt with, the guilt would gnaw at Synnda for a very long time. Syo's death would leave an open seat on the Council; it was offered to Synnda, who hesitantly accepted.

As a member of the Council, Synnda was often one of the first to head into the dangerous conflicts that arose throughout the galaxy. From aiding the evacuation of Makeb, to being one of the primary forces warding off the Dread Masters' influence on Oricon, to finally the Revanite situation that would have him allying with people he never thought he would: Darth Nox, Lord Wrath, and the Grand Champion. On Yavin, he was primarily the one tracking patrol routes and striking at smaller groups from the shadows before they even knew what was happening. It was on Yavin that he truly struggled with the temptation of the dark side - forcing himself to resist seeking out spirits, resist using that side of the Force, allowing other teams to deal with more violent situations for fear of what would happen if he lashed out.

It was on Yavin that he truly met Chakem (rather than simply seeing him in passing) - the medic on the Grand Champion's crew - for the first time after rescuing him from a Massassi cage. Against his better judgement, and perhaps in part to his inner struggle, he forged a relationship with Chakem over the time they were on Yavin. Synnda knew it was a bad idea - Chakem's crew was primarily contracted by the Empire, after all, while Synnda was not only Jedi, but on the Council. But they still developed a close bond, and Synnda would occasionally sneak away with Chakem to endulge in some alone time. Despite the fact he shouldn't have had such a relationship, it was likely in part because of Chakem that Synnda didn't turn to the whispers on Yavin.

He'd again feel deep guilt, upon finally encountering Revan and dueling her with some of the others. Synnda, nearly being struck down, lashed out through the Force in a final attempt to save himself and the others; the air was squeezed from her lungs, ribs broken, and the others inncorrectly believe it was Nox who crushed her windpipe. He never admits to being the one to cause her the injuries, but a few seem to know. He left Yavin in a hurry after his wounds were tended to, soon rushing instead to Ziost upon Theron's call. On Ziost, he works closely with Aaz'n and Leo to keep corrupted forces from attacking the rest of the team while they're working. Ziost's destruction would hit him especially hard; his deep connection to the Force, as well as his own corruption, making it feel as though the air was stolen from his lungs.

When the Emperor disappears into unknown space, Synnda has returned to Tython to report everything he's encountered to fellow Council-members. His debrief is cut short by Marr (to the surprise of the other Councilors) calling his holo - and informing that he'd found the Emperor's location. By the time Synnda reaches Marr's location, the battle has come and gone; Synnda can only help to round up escape pods around the ruins of Marr's flagship.

Zakuul's invasion brings Synnda to help Jedi flee to Ossus, using his own ship to strike against Eternal Fleet ships to keep them away from the evacuees. His crew gradually scatters (Nadia, ordered to Ossus by Synnda; Tharan and Zenith, leaving by their own accord; Qyzen, ordered away so he couldn't be captured as Synnda maneuvers got increasingly more risky; Lina, distraught at her twin going missing and more subject to lashing out and putting them all in danger so left on Coruscant). It left him with just Felix. The pair was eventually captured and separated. Synnda didn't know where Felix was sent, but the Jedi ended up in a high-security prison on Zakuul.

He waited quietly. Listened. And when he overheard the location Terrin was being kept, broke himself out with alarming ease. He'd go on to help form the Alliance, break Terrin out of her carbonite prison, and (to his surprise) end up her second-in-command. He was reunited with Chakem during that time, but discovered he'd thought Synnda dead and eventually began dating Koth. Synnda accepted it, and was happy so long as they treated each other well - though was surprised when both approached him wondering if he'd want to try a relationship as the three of them. He drifted farther away from both the Republic and Jedi over his time with the Alliance, eventually leaving his Council seat altogether and helping to form the Alliance Paladins, which he became one of the leaders of.

Synnda would eventually go on to take on a few students to teach the shielding technique to: Attros, Hera, Parrakh, with Lina and Nadia also requesting to learn it. His lifelong fight with the corruption it had caused him, as well as the other stressors his body has endured, was causing his hearts to slowly fail as he got older. He knew he needed someone to hold the plague at bay when he passed - but he refused to allow a single person to ever have to go through what he's spent his whole life fighting with. He hoped that having multiple students hold the plague would make the effects lesser.

He passes shortly after his students have learned the technique, as if that were the only reason he was hanging on as long as he did. The were on a remote planet when it happened, and they create a small tomb in a nearby cave for him to be his resting place. The tomb on Chandrilla would be a red herring, Hera's resting place rather than Synnda's, so that his power in the Force could never be used against anyone. His tomb would be discovered over 3'000 years later, by Farsc and her crew in their attempts to find where the Alliance disappeared to. Farsc would be one of the first people in history who Synnda's lightsaber didn't react violently toward when he took it from atop the stone coffin.


✦ Trivia

  • ● Synnda wears lower-face masks because he discovered they make his eyes look softer, and also hide his "resting bitch face." With the dark side corruption marring his face, plus the fact he's covered in scars/has fangs/claws and towers over most people, he was desperate to not appear so frightening.
  • ● The progression of darker colors into his wardrobe is meant to represent his gradual acceptance of the corruption he deals with, and that he understands he's strong enough not to fall to it. The almost entirely white he first wears is 100% meant as a way to compensate, to prove that he's light, he's light, he won't fall he promises.
  • ● Has only touched on the dark side of the Force a few times: just barely when he brought Revan within an inch of her life, and again when he was on the Alderaan Star Fortress. He crushed Exarch Draya with her own armor, crumpled the platform she stood on around her, then dropped her (still alive) into the sun reactor below. The display horrified even Darth Nox, who was suddenly very grateful that they were allies, now. Neither of them ever spoke of it again.
  • ● His voice is flat and lacks inflections. His expressions are the same. He often sounds and appears annoyed or aloof, even when he's very much Not.
  • ● Lightsaber is, in a sense, alive. The vines coiled around it come from the crystal itself, which once belonged to Master Ood Bnar. The lightsaber is only activateable through the Force, and almost solely allows Synnda to weild it, save for emergencies where he's unable to do so. If anyone else tries to use it, the vines shift to make it awkward to hold; continuing to do so bring thorns to sprout in an attempt to injure the hand holding it. His lightsaber makes an attempt to coil the vines around Qizulth's when they're too close to each other, as if in an attempt to destroy it. Neither knows why the crystals are so "aggressive" with each other.

✦ Relationships

Qizulth Verryn: Originally a rival, with them both being Councilors for opposing orders - and both of them often wanting to explore tombs to bring them dueling surprisingly often. Come the Alliance, they end up developong a close bond. To the point they're a queerplatonic pair, and can often be found rambling about ancient cultures or artifacts.

Chakem Vira: One of his boyfriends. He adores and trusts Chakem with his life, and it's Chakem who helped Synnda loosen up a bit. They care deeply for each other.

Koth Vortena: One of his boyfriends. He adores Koth, and deeply trusts and cares for him. Between him and Chakem, they can bring a rare laugh from Syn.

Leo Vetiko: Like a sister to him, they were raised together in the Coruscant temple. Though they drift apart through the class stories, the Alliance brings them together again and they're good friends.

Terrin: Trusted ally and friend. Never expected to have a good relationship with her when he'd first heard about her accomplishments as a bounty hunter, but now coudln't see himself following anyone else as the Alliance Commander.

Lina Tophrik: Friend, ally, and unofficial student. He's incredibly proud of her.

Qyzen Fess: Trusted friend. Though they don't always see eye-to-eye, Synnda would defend Qyzen to his dying breath and gets irritible when anyone is racist toward him.

Felix Iresso: Trusted friend. Though not at close as Qyzen or Nadia, he and Felix have a very good relationship; Synnda feels extreme guilt over what Felix endured when Zakuul separated them. It was Synnda who went looking for Felix and found him.

Nadia Grell: Friend and former Padawan. She became like a daughter to him, and he coudln't be prouder of how far she's come.

Hera: Adoptive daughter. One of Qizulth's teams found her hiding in a tomb, afraid, hungry, and alone. Synnda and Qizulth essentially end up co-parenting her, and she chooses to become one of Syn's students when she's old enough, wanting to learn the shielding.

Parrakh Djall: One of his students. Parrakh was a former slave who led a revolt against his masters - but really just wanted to be a healer, and was incredibly gentle despite a rough life. Synnda saw potential in him, and extended the offer of taking him as a student.

Attros Finn: Old friend from his days as a newly-Knighted Jedi. Attros joins the Alliance. and over time finds out Syn wants to teach the shielding technique and offers himself as a student, also abandoning his title of Jedi and wanting to become a Paladin instead.