Vylrussiol (DnD Beach Episode)




Vylrussiol is a bronze dragon that lives on, or more accurately under, the coastline of Silverport. They are 300 years old, in their prime, and have grown to care deeply for their non-dragon upstairs neighbors. The town was unintentionally built over the dragon’s lair, in the spot they’d cleared for basking in, after a flood rendered the original location unstable; Vyl found the acquisition of company more than made up for the loss of a sunning spot.

In their true form, Vyl is about twice the height of an average human (at the shoulder), though many times longer and able to carry multiple passengers with ease. Their scales are a brilliantly gleaming green-gold, with greener, rounded stripes on their scales and running parallel to the edges of their wings. Their back fin is dark brown-green, and their eyes are brown. Their top left horn is missing the tip.

Vyl and Seaben are exes; they used to be pirates together, but seperated for reasons they did not elaborate on. Seaben is now 'imprisoned' at the lighthouse Vyl's human form lives in, though he does not know Vyl is the dragon whose hoard he's been searching for. In the words of the party, Vyl wanting to keep him under his own supervision is "lovey dovey gay shit", and I cannot refute this.

Valor Stormcrosser

Valor Stormcrosser is Vyl’s human form, well-known to the people of Silverport as a cheerful, sociable jack-of-all-trades. Everyone knows they live nearby, but nobody knows specifically where. Valor keeps themselves somewhat distant from the locals, though not in a standoffish way; Valor simply knows everybody, but makes sure nobody really knows them. What the locals do know is that Valor seems to have a personal interest in the ship that’s been lingering offshore, and they might be convinced to share details with strangers who are less prone to community gossip.

Valor is human, 6’2 and of average build. Their skin is a medium brown tone, and their upper arms are tattooed; a wide band of large, fish-scale patterns on each. Their hair is black, long, and worn tied back into a ponytail. Their eyes are brown, and their left ear has a nick in the top. They wear loose-fitting and well-worn sun bleached clothes, and are barefoot. They carry a sturdy canvas bag, decorated on the outside with old fishing net, inside which they keep water, some dried fruit, and any miscellaneous treasure that have washed up on the beach that day. They wear a single bronze scale woven into black cord bracelet on their left hand.