Seaben Silversgleaming (DnD Beach Episode)



DnD Beach Party Episode Version

Seaben Silversgleaming is an elven necromancer who turned to piracy after an incident with a zombie had him driven out of his home town. The sea was the only direction he could escape at the time, and quickly found he enjoyed life on the open ocean, especially when he could create a crew that didn’t need to share food and water. Theft by necessity degenerated into piracy, and he quickly established a reputation. After hearing rumors of a dragon's hoard in the area, Seaben seems prepared to weigh anchor off the coast for as long as necessary.
Seaben is a high elf, 5’9, around 250 years old, and is (slightly) muscular; a physical strength unusual in spellcasters and elves that resulted from years of shipwork. He is naturally light-skinned, but tanned from working in the sun, his eyes are green, and his hair is long and blond. He wears the traditional psuedo-historical pirate outfit, though he pays small tribute to the mage style with a longer-than-usual surcoat and a crossbody ammo bag with pockets loaded with spell components. He holds himself with a casual confidence; a quieter version of the typical elven haughtiness. That confidence is not misplaced. The dude's a gay pirate necromancer, he knows that style is important.
Seaben's criminal history is long, though aside from his original accusation of murder most of the crimes are low-casualty piracy. He keeps his own wanted posters in a locked box under his bed, records of his escapades. Though we did not specify in game lore, as the players didn't find the box, I like to think some of them would have also featured Valor.
Vyl and Seaben are exes; they used to be pirates together, but seperated for reasons they did not elaborate on. Seaben is now 'imprisoned' at the lighthouse Vyl's human form lives in, though he does not know Vyl is the dragon whose hoard he's been searching for. In the words of the party, Vyl wanting to keep him under his own supervision is "lovey dovey gay shit", and I cannot refute this.