


3 years, 10 months ago



Theme song: 
Element - Aetherin [air] - C
 Downy Feathers - UC [air only]
Tier3 Magen - C

Cel's been on the hunt for the second half of who he is. Knowing and learning all too well who helped craft him, he knew that it must have been dire circumstances to constitute him coming to be, and Daival gave him no prior information other than they were curious to see what became of them.

Knowing all too well that his quest would be simpler with a Plain Shifter, his path intertwined with Rumble, a rambunctious and unorthodox annoyance, but otherwise steadfast companion. Rum is trying desperately to get Cel to lighten up a bit. Hopefully with time, once he's finally found what he's seeking, he'll start to unwind.

Until then, they happened across a large mobile gathering that welcomed them with open arms, knowing full well that they would be coming and going as the winds took them on their quests, eventually wanting to return and finally find a place to call home.

Gathering - Wayward Winds

Kind of a nomadic gathering, as they travel they are accompanied by strong winds due to all the Aetherin  joined together. air is a flowing element, and so is their gathering. While being an Aetherin isnt a necessity to be in this gathering, the majority of the lementa here are air based in their elements. 

This is a very peaceful gathering, since they dont stay in one place too long to fight over territory or resources. They are most likely aiding or following the natural wind currents of Earth with slight deviations from the main streams.  

Current Members