Noise Akaneko



3 years, 10 months ago


W.I.P. This is just a copy paste from an old commission, I'll fix this later.

NOISE AKANEKO (An ESPer proclaimed terrorist by the masses)

There is currently no image for Noise. Oh shit.

So, this is why I kept him for last, the reason why I took so long is cause of college and shit and whatnot.. Anyway. Noise. It's actually a nickname, his real name is super hidden and all, cause obvious reasons.

TL;DR White guy, in his 20s, 5’ 9 ish, whiter than most my other characters (cause he's covered up 90% of the time), has orange hair (bleached and dyed, originally black), even his eyebrows are orange (concealing identities is hard work), his eyecolor is red (strongly tinted lenses, they're actually grey).

Dresses in a bright red hoodie (and I mean BRIGHT red, with a front pouch), has black sports pants (think THIS but without any white), black shoes (kinda like rock climbing shoes, just more black.) and also has a night-vision visor around his neck. (it's the future, it looks kinda like this except it's red cause that's his color.)

Finally, the most important part, he wears custom headphones. They are kind of like industrial noise cancelling headphones, like what a building crew would wear. Except they are black AND they have this logo on the side: I'm aware that that is the only instance of purple on his entire design, but there's a reason that's not important to this.

General Pose:
If you look at his pose, you can see it shares a huge resemblance to Ryu from Street Fighter. I mean, just.. compare with this.

However, unlike Ryu, there's a few noticable differences. First off, the leg in the back (his right leg, aka the leg on the left) is titled backwards more, as if he's ready to turn around and sprint away. Which is actually the whole thought behind his pose. It's not that he's a coward, but he knows the importance of a tactical retreat. Especially if like you're suddenly under attack by a few dozen cops or so. :D

Also, both his hands are open. The hand in front of his chest is laid flat, with the inside upward. This so he can quickly snap his fingers if necessary. See it like he's holding up his hand, waiting for you to give him money. :P

As for his left arm, (the arm on the right) it's straight down instead of Ryu's sideguard pose. It's actually just in a relaxed position, with his fingers outstretched but not stretching per sé. Just.. hanging his hand there.

He's not really a melee fighter, so.. he's more of a ranged fighter, he only does melee because that's what he does.