


3 years, 10 months ago


'My name.. is Masuma.'

So when my brain shouts 'DUDE, you actually did the thing, now draw a counterpart', my first reaction was essentially 'NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE'

And that continued on until I realized I had already started drawing her.

Masuma is also a magical cat girl, and the light-magic counterpart to Kuro. If I draw more magical girls they'll be based on other animals, I swear! They were just meant as duo!


> Masuma's dress has a hole for her tail right under the middle ribbon on the back.
> There's a bell on her right foot (the foot on the left) too. It's hanging from the boot, just like on her other foot.
> None of the bells or ribbons seem to be attached in any way to her outfit- but they are definitely stuck. Magic.
> Masuma's cat ears protrude from her head and somehow do increase her hearing abilities, but they're mostly for aesthetic. Her human ears are still what lets the sound in.
> The tail makes her balance perfect, and so Masuma she will always land on her feet. She's a bit more graceful than Kuro, using her magic to always land on her feet.
> Yes, Masuma, too, has better eyesight in the dark.
> If the cat ears and tail were removed, Masume would still have the abilities because magic, but it will definitely hurt as they're a physical part of her.
> Aside from the white under cloth, the entire outfit can be removed. It'll reappear on transformation, and disappear when cancelling the transformation, regardless of proximity to her body.
> Similar to Kuro, the bells do actually ring, but as they're part of Masuma's magical outfit, she can also neutralize the sound.