
when it is hopeless, i start to notice
Woozy Suzy

Name Dr. Suzanne Mariet Webley
Age 31
Alias Woozy Suzy
Gender bigender
Orientation polyam lesbian
Pronouns she / her, he / him
Role protagonist
Race English / Mexican

and i still feel alive
  • her hair is always in a bun
  • she has stray hairs everywhere and doesn't bother brushing her hair
  • he prefers to wear his goggles, even if not over his eyes
  • there's a yellow stain on her labcoat
  • his labcoat is actually a pantsuit
  • his casual wear is... strange
  • 5'8"
link to ref

Dubbed "Woozy Suzy" by her co-workers for both her job making sleeping pills and her eccentric personality, Suzy is one of the hardest workers at Desert Crescent Supernatural Hospital.

Excitable by nature, Suzy's especially fascinated by the supernatural. She still hasn't gotten used to the fact that they're real, and that she works side-by-side with them to aid them. She dreams of someday becoming a huge name in medication for the supernatural and then somehow gaining a sort of immortality.

It’s this desire for immortality and fame, or at least recognition, that’s led to her side hobby of dabbling in necromancy. The laws regarding this are very vague and loose, which she uses as an excuse to continue practicing this. Currently, she works on smaller animals such as frogs and lizards, although she’s attempting to convince a patient to give her permission to use their body after death. This goes poorly, as there are few studies about what happens to someone once reanimated, as well as the fact that they don’t like her implying that they’re going to die from the broken arm they got after falling off of the roof.

Suzy is very easily excited. Small things, such as buying a new houseplant or seeing a pretty girl on the street, can boost her mood for an entire day. She isn’t easy to bring down, and is often seen with a large smile on her face.

She's very pushy in conversation, something that makes others rather annoyed by her. She doesn't know when to let jokes go, and she often bugs people by asking about things that she shouldn't and refusing to let things go. He doesn't mean to annoy people, he just can't tell when he's pushing something too far and when he needs to take a break.

Her ideas about what's normal are often questioned by those around her. Her sense of fashion, for example, tends to weird others out, as she will buy any shirt with a saying on it that she finds at a thrift shop, regardless of whether or not it applies to her or even makes sense. She also eats strange food combinations, such as pickles and mayo. It isn't necessarily that she does this that unnerves others, but rather that she doesn't seem to see anything wrong with it and that she doesn't understand their uneasiness.

An optimist at heart, though, she tries to take all of this in stride. She loves herself, so she doesn't understand why anyone else needs to think highly of her. She won't deny that it hurts, of course, but she will immediately follow up with a joke directly after admitting it. She just doesn't want to dwell on it.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

falling forward, back into orbit
Medication Creation

Suzy's a genius when it comes to formulating new pills and medications for the supernatural, though her specialty is sleeping pills, and to a lesser extent, painkillers.

He knows how to adjust a recipe for different species, and how to further refine it for subspecies. She also has a wonderful memory for the names, effects, dosages, and other information on medications, even ones she hasn't dabbled in herself.

Blending In

While she may look like she'd stand out, Suzy's very good at keeping herself hidden in plain sight when she wants to. She can blend in in any crowd within a moment, regardless of who the crowd consists of.

Maybe it's something about how she holds herself, or her resting face. He couldn't explain how to do this to anyone else if he tried. He doesn't know if he learned this skill, or if he was just always like this.


Though she currently only works on small animals such as frogs and lizards, Suzy's dedicated to figuring out this whole necromancy thing.


Suzy's early life was, in her opinion, boring and plain. She, like the majority of people, didn't know about the existence of the supernatural. She did well in her classes, particularly her science classes, and though she never really fit in, she had friends.

She went to university directly after high school, and worked until she got a PhD in pharmaceutical science. After that, she chose the job closest to home, which happened to be at a place called Desert Crescent Hospital.

She soon found out her job was actually at the Desert Crescent Supernatural Hospital, but they can't exactly put that on Once everything was explained to her and she signed some forms promising she wouldn't spill any secrets, she was put to work. She quickly became enamoured with the supernatural world, and started to dream about someday making a name for herself in it.


  • she's autistic and got a diagnosis when she was 8
  • she happily calls herself a mad scientist
  • he was using both she/her and he/him even before he confirmed for himself that he's bigender
  • she slightly prefers she/her over he/him, but she likes both of them being used
  • her birthday is March 15

Aesthetic mad scientist vibes
Alignment chaotic good
Sin pride
Virtue diligence

Designer huddson
Obtained created
Status open for art trades
Value $$$

good friends, co-workers

Maybe not best friends, Roscoe and Suzy are definitely good friends.

They have an easy time talking to each other and their lunch breaks line up, so they often hang out. Suzy appreciates him for not thinking she's odd, and he appreciates her for being honest with him and not sugar-coating things.


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Varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus!