Kavian Arakaiv



3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Kavian Arakaiv


Often referred to as Prince Kavian or various formalities like "your highness" by his subjects


16 at "death"






Crown Prince of Arakaivia





Creation Year


Soul Tune

Royal Plains


Kadita Arakaiv (younger sister), parents are current king and queen of Arakaivia


Arakaivia - Onakaiya

Current Home

Arakaivia - Onakaiya


Physical Appearance

  • Medium-length mahogany hair
  • Pale blue eyes
  • Fair skinned
  • Medium in height
  • Physically fit with an athletic build, particularly strong from swordplay

Clothing Style

Kavian tends to dress appropriately for his station as crown prince, and the Arakaivian style of clothing tends to lean as vaguely medieval with more fantasy influence. The primary color scheme of the Arakaivian kingdom is light blue and silver, and most of Kavian's formal outfits follow this color scheme. He is usually seen either wearing light blue formal outfits with silver accents around the palace, similarly styled tunics for more casual events such as horseback riding or doing things outdoors, or a set of armor for combat. For formal events he may wear a silver crown with light blue gemstones, but otherwise he usually wears a plain silver circlet instead.


Kavian is the level-headed and focused crown prince of Arakaivia. He comes off as very serious and cool tempered most of the time, but he has a kind heart and is willing to do whatever is necessary for the sake of his people. Although it isn’t obvious, Kavian has trouble naturally feeling empathy, so he has to put in extra effort to understand the needs of the people around him and the needs of his kingdom. It is a necessary effort in his mind, for he seeks to do good and to be a worthy heir to his kingdom. Kavian isn’t terribly expressive and doesn’t speak of or share his feelings often, mostly because he doesn’t usually understand them himself. He prefers to speak of more professional or formal matters, and he is not terribly comfortable with personal conversations most of the time. Toward others in formal settings, he is eloquent and well-mannered and is slow to anger. Kavian is very patient and capable of setting aside his own ego and personal desires to do what is necessary for his people. Admittedly he has trouble finding a solid sense of identity outside of his role as crown prince, and he does feel some guilt over not knowing how to have deeper relationships with the people he cares about, such as his parents and younger sister.


  • Iyce rifting - 4/5, rank 5/5 when channeling Arakaivian energies, although it takes all his focus and effort
  • Watyr rifting - rank 2/5
  • Gost rifting - rank 1/5, only capable of use during his time stuck as a ghost
  • Skilled at swordplay, particularly dual-wielding one-handed swords
  • Skilled at horseback riding


  • Focused, level headed, and responsible
  • Humble, down to earth, and dedicated
  • Confident, eloquent, and assertive
  • Fearless, slow to anger, and works well under pressure


  • Overly-serious, relatively inexpressive, and comes off as cold and unfeeling at times
  • Put his responsibilities as crown prince over his own, which means he frequently neglects his own needs
  • Cannot allow himself to become overly passionate or heated about anything, due to a condition that affects his bloodline
  • Has a hard time feeling empathy naturally and has to put in extra effort to understand the feelings of others 


Kavian was the first born son of the current king and queen of Arakaivia, making him the crown prince and heir to the largest kingdom of Onakaiya. He was brought up tutored in various subjects to prepare him to one day inherit the throne, making him very intelligent from his studies and skilled with swords. The king already passed down two swords to Kavian due to his skill in combat and his aptitude for rifting, which both blades were forged to channel. Kavian has shown much promise already, but he still has some time before he is expected to ascend the throne. 

Unfortunately this time may never come, for Arakaivia has come into conflict with the sky realm of Airisina. The winged Airisinans claim that Arakaivia has cheated them and exploited their people and labor, and war broke out to reclaim the resources allegedly stolen from them by the Arakaivians. Kavian was involved in a battle against the Airisinan forces, and he faced down the leader of their warriors, a mysterious Dyric gunman only referred to as the Airisina Storm. The two fought until they landed fatal blows on each other, and the two armies retreated in a futile attempt to save their young leaders. Kavian could not be saved though, and he died from the gunshot wound to his chest.

However, during the funeral procession in the castle town of Arakaivia, a great quake rocked the entirety of Onakaiya, and a unknown pulse of energy flowed through the realm. This energy seemingly brought new life to Kavian’s body, and he rose up from his coffin and rushed away from the town. His whereabouts were unknown for some time, until a nearly identical boy finds his way to Arakaivia. For some reason, the kingdom recognizes him as their lost prince, and only a select few see the truth that their prince is not who they think they are.


  • Kavian's two swords are a one-handed sword with a jagged tip named Darani and a light katana named Koorita. Darani was made in Arakaivia and was passed down to him from his father, and Koorita was made in Shiwahono and also passed to him from his father. Koorita was apparently a gift to his father from an old friend from Shiwahono. Darani is capable of channeling rifting and neutrally charged, and Koorita is attuned to Iyce rifting.
    • I'm pretty sure I just made up the name Darani, but Koorita is a play on the word "koori" which I think is Japanese for ice, or icy, or something like that. I don't really remember, but I'm pretty sure it's something to that effect.
  • Kavian is apparently named after the first king of Arakaivia. The "kaivia" in Arakaivia is derived from the name Kavian.
    • The actual inspiration for Kavian's name is a slight play on the name Caspian, like Prince Caspian from the Chronicles of Narnia. I made Kavian some time after the first Chronicles of Narnia movie came out, and I started reading the books some time after, although I was aware of the series already since we owned The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe book long before the movie. I just thought Caspian was a cool sounding name, and I think I named Kavian before I knew that Prince Caspian was going to be the next movie in the series.
  • Kavian used to look almost identical to Kyle, basically only different in demeanor, and Kyle was supposed to be some kind of reincarnation of Kavian that would merge with his wandering soul as a ghost. They are now separate characters with some more slight differences between them, although they still are supposed to resemble each other, and Kavian's ghost is drawn to him because of these similarities and their matching rifting element.