Tourie Maline



3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Tourie Maline

Name meaning: winner, conqueror

Age: 20

Species: Gemonian

Height: 5'7 ft (170 cm)

Birthday: October 16
Zodiac Sign: Libra

Personality: Tourie is very proud, full of herself, and cocky, but has a hyper aura. She's loud and talks a lot, and laughs at jokes even when they aren't very funny to others. She loves all things cute, and tries to always look her best.

Likes: cute things, dresses, the stars, dancing, going on adventures
Dislikes: quiet rooms, being bored, mice

Extra Facts:
- Tourie is from a far away planet called Gemonia
- She is a princess from one of the bigger countries on her planet.
- She is 5th in line to the throne, and has two older sisters and two older brothers, and one younger brother.
- Because she's not next in line, she doesn't take her royal duties seriously and spends a lot of time goofing off. However, around others, she demands she'd be treated just as nicely as her older siblings.
- She met Cat on one of her "adventures" when she was younger, and the two have grown quite close since, and hang out often.
- She meets Astrid when they're traveling away from their ship and happen to stop on their planet. They then join them on their journey.
- Tourie is a big eater, and loves all sorts of foods, her favorite being peaches.
- Her favorite color is pink