

Species Vampire
Age 19
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Sexuality Bisexual


Asher is an average height (5’8”) Hispanic man whose vampiric characteristics manifest in large white bat-like ears, a long tufted white tail and fangs. His eyes are orange with yellow pupils.

He wears casual clothing, not giving much thought to it, such as tank-tops, cargo shorts and sneakers.

When he takes his monster bat form, he turns into a monstrous humanoid bat creature with white fuzz-covered skin, a long tail, a ruff and tailtip of long white fur, clawed hands and paws and thin skin flaps from his wrist to back. His eyes remain orange with yellow pupils.


Asher, unfortunately, is not very pleasant to be around. He’s hostile and likes to pick fights, seemingly for the thrill. He’s overconfident and this often comes back to bite him between his age and inexperience. Even prior to his turning, he acted very off-kilter and animalistic, something that’s worsened. He’s overly violent and most certainly needs someone to rein him in.


Asher’s been turned into a vampire rather recently and is of two minds of it. On one hand, being newly powerful is awesome. On the other, it turns out it comes with a lot of secrecy, something he can’t be bothered with. After one too many maulings when he fed, he was grabbed by an elder vampire who decided something must be done about it, to preserve their secret. So Asher got turned into the High Council of North American Vampires who would find some solution to his viciousness—or kill him if he was deemed to dangerous to the secret.


Asher, as a vampire, has superior strength, stamina and speed, provided he is well-fed enough. He can regenerate injuries, though if they are inflicted by sunlight, heat or silver, they will take longer to heal. He can see in the dark. He can also shift into other forms, like a monstrous bat form and a weasel.

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