piers thaleia



4 years, 2 months ago



Dramaturgy - Eve.

Piers Thaleia.

I'm trapped, suffocating on this tiny stage
By the last act I realize I want to get away.
Every single one of us was performing.
Towards the ending credits we're all running.




Vulpes Troxler, Reynard Rogue, Nobody, +


5 years


Trans Man (he/him)


Ace Gay




None (Thief)



Born from an affair between a lord of the House of Flowers and his servant, from a young age Piers knew he must be kept secret. Along with his sister, Margot, their early years were spent hidden from the world by their mother, Harper. The family was small, but close and happy. Piers longed to leave his hiding, however. To meet people, meet his father, but was always discouraged. Harper waited until she felt they were old enough, holding out hope their father, Colin, would take them in and give them a better life. But the introduction did not go as planned. In front of his family, Harper had exposed his affair, and Colin couldn't allow that to tarnish his reputation. He denied the affair, denied the children to be his own, and lashed out at Harper. He struck her and chased her out. In heartbroken revenge, Harper murdered Colin in his sleep. She took her kits and ran away, now a criminal to the House. Under this stress, she started taking it out on her children, Margot especially. In one instance lashing out physically and striking her shoulder, wounding her. The injury caused them to slow down long enough for Colin's sibling, Sevy, to catch up with them. Hidden in an alley, Piers held Margot and watched Sevy attack his mother. He knew in that moment, if he wanted to, he could intervene. He could call for help, attack Sevy, do something to save her. But he watched. He held Margot closer to him, and remained in the shadows.

Shortly after, Margot passed away, her wound becoming infected. Her death haunted Piers. He found a spot outside of the city to bury her. He made an attempt to become a part of normal society under a fake name, Vulpes Troxler. But in the House of Flowers, he was treated poorly for his lower status, and felt rejected. When he was a year old, he decided to travel out on his own, and choosing a new identity everywhere he went. He'd pick up jobs thieving or whatever mercenary job he could get as a kid until he could break away and do his own thing. It's how he knew his life to be for the next four years. He knew exactly who he was, nobody.




Midnight black with white.


Warm amber


Taller than average



  • red eyeliner is not optional
  • white face marking is shaped like a mask
  • his tuft of hair can go on either side of his face

Piers is a black cat with white patches on his face and chest. His nose and paw-pads are ruby red color, and his eyelids are stained the same. His eyes are a dark burgundy. He also has long fangs that tend to peek out of his lips when he smiles. He is a skinny, tall cat with mostly sleek fur for all but his face, chest and tail. He has a long tuft of fur on his head that cascades down his face, covering one eye. He has a long muzzle and tall ears, and a face shape generally resembling that of a fox. Most often seen wearing a pleased-looking smile.
During his villain arc, he adorns his fur with golden marigold petals. He is more disconnected emotionally and snappy with others who aren't Scorch. However, whenever Coral is mentioned or when he's around him, he lights up with emotion again, typically donning a theatrical, sinister smile.
After cutting ties with Scorch and running away with Coral, he abandons the marigold petals. Most notably, he now has burn scars along the right side of his body, the largest one across his lower right leg. He now has his long tuft of fur in a ponytail, no longer covering his eye. Several leaves are caught in his fur from gardening, and he ties his hair back with a purpleish red dahlia. He's also wearing a purple piece of fabric around his neck.



  • Voice Claim
  • When he was created he was vaguely based off Peter Nureyev from The Penumbra Podcast, but over time he's kinda mutated into something worse
  • Birthday is July 8th (Cancer)



















In his youth, Piers was very curious about the world and people especially. With him and his sister's existence kept secret from the world, he's always longed for connections with others. But even so, he was immensely loyal to his sister and mother, Margot especially, always swearing it was his job to protect her, and would never let anything bad happen to her.

After trying to fit in and being rejected, he reinvented his personality from stratch over and over again. Every place he went he killed his old self and rebuilt it from the ash. Over the course of four years, he had almost entirely forgotten what he used to be like, and who it really was under the masks. But he was content this way. Under masks, he couldn't feel rejected again. No one would ever know who he truly was, a bastard son. Overall, his personas typically resembled that of a charming, well-traveled cat, but the nuances of his personality could be bent to whatever would get him what he wanted. He had a few flings in his travels, but without his heart in it he couldn't care to commit. Eventually, after meeting Coral, his true self started to heal in his heart. He became more sincere, the strong sense of loyalty for his loved ones, once dead, reborn to make him care for Coral. And after a while, found himself able to love.

All this work of his identities, hiding in plane sight so he could never reveal the truth of his existence, was all to avoid rejection. After all, Piers learned very early that no matter what, no one could ever accept him. He could never be loved. So when bearing his heart, his truth to someone else, he shouldn't have expected anything else. Heartbreak and despair were interrupted by Scorch, who offered him the chance to abandon his emotions, to redirect them into vengeance. He accepted the offer.
In alliance with Scorch, Piers became dettached and disinterested from most things. At most becoming snappy with other followers of Scorch, but never with the leader himself. He desperately suppresses any lingering emotion he feels for Coral, swearing vengeance on the society that scorned him and the people who hurt him with indifference. But despite himself, whenever Coral was mentioned, emotion would flood back to him. Unrestrained when around Coral himself, he lit up with sinister grins and theatric monologues of betrayal and love. He deludes himself into thinking he never felt for Coral, and Coral never felt for him, but the facade is fragile. When it really came to it, Piers knew he could never kill Coral. Deep down, achingly, he knew he still loved him.

After being saved by Coral and running away together, Piers' identity began to heal again. He became a gentler, kinder version of the person he was around Coral. Someone he'd come to know as his true self, able to see the sun again, able to be loved.




Coral (Partner)

The first person in 4 years to know Piers' name. The first person to truly know the real him. After Coral abandoned him, Piers fell apart, taking his emotions out on him, before realizing he could never hate him at all. Coral went through hell to get Piers back, and in the ashes of everything, they can start their new life together.


Scorch (Former Allies)

After the incident with Coral, Scorch saw himself in Piers and decided to take him in and offer to join him to get back at Coral. Piers agreed, using the name Nobody with Scorch. However, Piers ended up rebelling against him when he realized what he really wanted.


Margot † (Sister)

Younger sister who died when they were both young. Cared for her deeply and has never recovered from the guilt of not being able to save her.
