


3 years, 9 months ago




Orc | Male | 46y | Medic | Wastelands



A skilled medical worker with a stern and professional attitude. Very reassuring and confident, but only as long as he's familiar with the situation. Prone to periods of depression due to emotional baggage. His main passion is his work, it's what he pours nearly all his time and energy into. Mentors Nálik.


Lothar is a stern and serious individual, he values competence and puts a lot of effort into appearing professional at all times. As long as he's feeling familiar with a situation, he'll have an aurora of composed confidence that usually has a reassuring effect on those around him. He has little tolerance for foolish behavior and is quick to respond to such with frustration, although he rarely loses his temper. Lothar is very set in his ways and it's extremely important for him to be in control, otherwise he will quickly become overwhelmed and distressed.

Lothar was tricked into leaving his tribe as its leaders found him "troublesome". They also managed to pawn off an orc named Zibius onto him, a youngster with severe mental issues and a personality that least to say clashes with Lothar. Lothar feels forced to keep up with Zibius as it's obvious that she would never manage to get around on her own. These circumstances often makes Lothar fall into temporary periods of depression. He tends to deal with his emotions by comfort eating,  something that's made him overweight. All of this, from his past to his weight, are very sensitive subjects.
Being involved with advanced health care, others has applied the title "doctor" to Lothar.  He is extremely passionate about his job and always seeks to expand his knowledge. What kind of equipment and medication he can get hold of is very limited, but he's good at improvising; after all, a carefully sharpened fruit knife can serve well as a scalpel. Lothar is able aid most milder illnesses and injuries, but is also able to carry out basic types of surgery. While he will ask for payment, Lothar is generally willing to alter the cost for those with limited funds, which sometimes means working in exchange for services or for free. Even though it took years, Lothar has managed to find an apprentice to team up with, a troll named Nálik. The two complements each other well; Lothar got knowledge while Nálik got compassion. This has also significantly improved Lothar emotional state, finally having someone to share his skill and passion with.
While his profession is his greatest priority, Lothar also enjoys to occasionally working on miniature models, especially old fashioned trains.
Nálik and Lothar are colleagues, the two have a professional yet relaxed partnership.
Zibius is a young orc that Lothar looks after, he only keeps up with her due to guilt.
Zathil is a tradesman and a important supplier, Lothar finds him intriguingly refined yet intimidating.









Code by FallingFeathers