


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Farie

Species: Elf stuck in a cats body

Gender: Female

Class: Druid

History: Farie was once an elf. Due to a magic accident she got stuck as a cat. Upon learning there was a cure Farie decided to not go after it. She had grown to love her new form and the cure was way too much work for her to even bother. The other elfs in her village were very proud of their magic and they hated Farie for her choise. This led to Farie being exiled from her village as she was seen as a disgrace by the other elves residing in it. The only thing Farie has left from her home is her jade pendant, she treasures it dearly. 

Magic power: After being stuck as a cat Faries magic power was significantly decreased. She can still help out by healing and acting as support in battles. She also has the ability to change her own fur color though her favorite one is black with white spots and you will mostly see her as so. This skill is useful if she has to gather information in secret. When the spell backfired, she had used her right hand to cast it. This caused the failed spell to have a much stronger effect on her right hand, making her unable to change the color of her front right paw.