

3 years, 9 months ago



NAME: Victor Montgomery Jr (aka monty)

GENDER: male

AGE: 21


SPECIES: vampire (formerly human)

Before he was turned into a vampire he was just a guy that lived in a small truckstop of a town. he didn't have a very good relationship with his parents and would usually do (unwillingly) a bunch of stuff that would later get him into some sort of punishment (ei: his mother shaving his head, taking away most of his belongings, etc). so most of the time he really wouldn't be home at all. Instead he'd be either hanging out and about in the outskirts of the town, or would be seen hanging out at his best friend's Billy's house. Him and Billy had known each other since highschool and have been best friends ever since, where one goes, the other follows.

One night he got kidnapped and turned into a vampire by katty and hazan while he was out in his backyard trying to record an entry for a then upcoming contest. Though he was then later on released by hazan when he discovered he was friends of a relative of his (billy's cousin, to be exact). now he wanders around the canyon with not much to do other than just hang about.

personality wise he's really outgoing and extroverted, and loves helping with anything he can. he's also really impulsive and has the bad habit of not thinking things twice, he's very "spur of the moment", which usually leads him to making more of a mess than helping at all. he also thinks of himself as some sort of rebel but in reality he's just a dork and wouldn't really dare to hurt a fly. he has a really "wannabe punk" vibe but he's just a bigass nerd


-hates his full name

-has a very large beanie baby collection

-he draws, and has a fursona (a pony)

-he's a massive loser and hangs out with a bunch of other losers 

-he used to have a crush on billy, but kind of made things weird for a while until they eventually reconciled 

-has an older brother who he just can't live up to

-his voiceclaim is brahman (lil darkie)