Lumière Arpenteux



3 years, 9 months ago


Lumière Arpenteux

Age 28
Birthday 20th of July
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Pronouns he / him
Race Elezen (Duskwight)
Height 6ft 7
Origin Gyr Abania

A skilled travelling medic with a passion for astronomy from the Source, now residing in the First.


  • Stargazing
  • Peppermint tea and soups
  • Napping during the day


  • Heights
  • Sudden loud noises
  • Being underestimated for his physical fragility



Lumière has very pale light blue/almost pure white hair and a dark greyish-blue skin tone. He has heterochromia, with his left eye being blue and his right eye being yellow. The freckles on his cheeks glow and resemble stars, and can frequently be seen linking together with lines to resemble constellation patterns. He is slim-built and slightly above average male Elezen height. As a result of him only specialising in magic, he is extremely physically weak.


(WIP (ゝω・)ノ) Lumière is a soft-spoken man of very few words, preferring to stay quiet and listen to others speak, rather than contribute to conversations. He has a tendency to drift off and daydream if he is currently not preoccupied or around other people, but stays focused and level-headed when needed. Due to his strict early childhood upbringing combined with the time consuming nature of his occupation as a travelling medic, he finds it difficult to engage with others and maintain friendships, as he is extremely shy and often too busy with work to keep in contact. He can also come across as stubborn, politely refusing to let others to be of assistance to him and preferring to work on his own, or outright disobeying orders to stay out of harms way and support from the sidelines (out of concern for his physical fragility) when he knows he is more than capable of healing front and centre in dangerous situations and able to come out unscathed.

Abilites & Echo

Blessed with the Echo in his early teenage years, Lumière possesses the ability to sense shifts in aether and detect people who are injured across long distances. With this, he uses the Echo to his advantage to accurately track down and tend to those in need of medical assistance. This ability, however, can become extremely overwhelming for him in environments where he is surrounded by large amounts of pain and suffering (for example, on a war-torn battlefield), but due to his strong desire to heal and help out as much as he can, he will press on regardless. He can also sense the loss in aether as someone passes away from their injuries as well.

Although he is an Astrologian in FFXIV, Lumière is more than capable of conjuring strong close range healing magics without the assistance of globes, but they aid him in channeling his healing powers into attacks, long range/party wide healing and shields for defence. His "Collective Unconscious" ability is usually saved as a last resort solution in battle, as it requires an intense amount of Lumière's magic to uphold and can cause him to faint.



WIP (ゝω・)ノ


WIP (ゝω・)ノ


WIP (ゝω・)ノ


WIP (ゝω・)ノ



AUBEN [ husband ]

hrgrhghgfhjngbfnghjffghfkhnbkdfjhg elf husbond... Lumi gives him lots of huggas and kissas MMMMMMMMMWAH!!! musky husky ♡

Auben belongs to chillshroom



His first name means "luminary"/"light" in French, and his surname is derived from the masculine French word "Arpenteur", meaning "surveyor".

His birthday is the 20th of July, the same date in which the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the moon in 1969.

While Lumière himself doesn't particularly believe in guardian deities, his guardian deity in the FFXIV character creator is Nymeia, the Spinner.

Themes / Motifs

WIP (ゝω・)ノ

Design Inspiration

The Last Unicorn, NieR: Automata

Background screenshot by chillshroom, HTML by Eggy