Joan Cerulean



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Joan Cerulean

Gender: Female

Relationship: None

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 28

Pokemon: Empoleon, Staraptor, Luxray, Drapion, Lopunny, Rapidash

Birthday: October 6th

Personality: Despite being a new wonder in the contest scene, Joan is socially shy and thus has trouble making friends. Joan likes small get togethers with familiar peoples, despite that, she doesn't mind meeting new people, just not too many at once. Lucas and Barry are her best friends. Joan loves pokemon but she never was much of a person into fighting with pokemon, so becoming champion was a surprise to her more than most other people. Joan greatly enjoys her new life now, and despite preferring being in contests over the elite four, when called to duty, she can't help but feel joyed for another fight, even if someone is trying to take her title as champion of the Sinnoh region

Story: Joan grew up in Twinleaf Town and started her Pokemon journey at 10 years old. She made her way through the gyms, team galactic, and the pokemon league, making it to champion. Afterwards, she went home but was bored and didn't know what to do with herself afterwards. Her mother convinced her to try pokemon contests and Joan was hooked. Now Joan has a huge precense in both the Sinnoh league and the contest scene.