


3 years, 8 months ago



Animal Companion 
Golden Eagle
Place of birth
Just outside Troy
Current place of residence
Listen, I suggest you back off right now, before I take your fingers.
― Cumula

Cumula is a golden eagle who is Zeus's animal companion who resides on Olympus and delivers messages to mortals on Zeus's behalf.


In her human form, she stands about 5'6, just slightly taller then Ganymede. Her hair is reflective for the color of her feathers in her eagle form, and her eyes in both forms is dark brown. She has a long scar the goes down most of her body, which is also found on both forms, and refuses to heal farther then it currently is. In her human form, she has metal claws that reflect her bird claws that she can use to defend herself.

Her eagle form is a golden eagle, and this form stands at 2'11. 


Cumula can be a pretty aggressive individual, known to snap at anyone who angers her as well as being known to threaten to remove fingers specifically. She is very loyal to Zeus and Ganymede, and will defend them with all she has. She also tends to be pretty sarcastic, mostly in a lighthearted way but sometimes her use of it can be sharp and biting with the aim to hurt. When she is delivering messages to morals though, she is gentle and understanding to those who deserve it and terrifying and intimidating to those who need warnings. The only time she is truly relaxed and quiet is with just Zeus and Gaymede in private.    


At first, Cumula was just a wild golden eagle, living within the forests of the old world. One night however, a storm suddenly struck while Cumula was heading back to her nest, and she was stuck by a tree branch while trying to avoid the lighting. She managed to make it to the base of Olympus before she collapsed. As she laid there injured, Zeus stumbled upon her, and took her in to heal her. Once she was fully healed, she decided to stick around, now loyal to the god that saved her and healed her. Shortly after Ganymede arrived, Cumula was given a human form so she could communicate easier to those around her. 

After the attack lunched on the gods of Olympus by the demons succeeded and discorperated most of the gods, weakening them enough for them to loss their chosen forms, Cumula took to being a guard to the remaining gods to protect against demon attacks. She also becomes extra protective of Ganymede, Pattia, and the godlings during this time, getting extra violent when it comes to those who threaten them.



  • Hunting
  • Close combat
  • Building

Unique Abilities

  • Changing forms
  • Telepathic communication with deities  
  •  Night vision



He saved my life, and he even helped me heal afterward, he didn't have to do that but he did. I will repay that action with my loyalty.
― Cumula

Cumula and Zeus have developed a strong bond over years and years of friendship. They both hold a strong level of loyalty and respect for eachother. They often exchange wisdom and engage in discussions, which will often end with playful jabs at eachother. They have also cultivated a relationship of trust, where Zeus trusts Cumula to deliver messages to the mortals, and Cumula trusts Zeus to lead and guide her wisely. 


When Ganymede was first brought to Olympus, Cumula almost instantly knew she would get along with the young cupbearer. She found Ganymede to be a gentle soul who she could trust, and who she would protect if she needed to. Often she is either seen on Zeus's shoulder or Ganymede's, though in the early day's of Ganymede's time on a Olympus she was seen more often with Ganymede as a way of making sure he was safe. The two of them tend to be pretty silly in eachother's company, and they tend to joke alot with eachother.


  • Cumula is a great hunter in her eagle form, and is able to bring down pretty big animals on her own. 
  • She loves the water, and often will just float in any body of water if given the chance.
  • She will sometimes try and annoy other Olympians if she is feeling vindictive, some gods take it better then others.