Eon Chilver



4 years, 1 month ago


Useless words conveyed by a useless cog in the everlasting turn of time.


He is essentially my LOVE for gore! Gore fashion as well as gore as a genre. It's always been something that piqued my morbid curiosity ever since I was very young and I made this character to reflect that. He is also an embodiment of my strange obsession with eyes.


Eon comes across as a friendly type of person that's accepting and all-around good-hearted individual in spite of his fashion sense, but the truth is his fashion sense couldn't describe him more perfectly. For, in reality, he is a maniacally devious miscreant that delights in both causing trouble, and conning others into trouble for him. All in all, he isn't the type to trust too easily. Unfortunately, his charismatic attitude proves too hard for some people to resist until it's too late.


  • His body doesn't seem to age at all and hasn't done so for years once he became fully grown. 
  • His body isn't affected by bacteria or viruses but it can become weakened or die from inflicted wounds.
  • He can transform his face into what he calls his "True Form" However, the rest of his body will remain the same.
  • He's immune to fire. While it will not scorch his flesh, he can feel it's intense heat. However, this hardly bothers him.
  • He doesn't need to eat or drink to survive but doing so gives him extra strength and prowess. So he does so frequently.
  • He has unnaturally high endurance but the physical strength of the averagely muscle toned 6ft tall male (even though he's below average in height and weight)


Eon Chilver
Half Demon
Chaotic Evil
Odd Jobs & Prostitution
Guro Lolita


  • Horror & Gore
  • Being Doted On
  • Dark Fashion
  • Monsters
  • Food


  • Humidity
  • Being Sticky
  • Children
  • The Clergy
  • Religious Symbols


  • Sexual Intercourse
  • Messing with men, especially married ones
  • Summoning Monsters to have fun with


His mother was a nun, that was fooled into giving shelter to a seemingly lost and wounded man. She was young and even though she had taken a vow of abstinence she couldn't help but be smitten with him and pushed to be the one to care for him. However, that would prove to be her biggest mistake. Unbeknownst to everyone, the man was the demon Astaroth in disguise, and once everyone had gone to bed he called for her to attend him only to force himself on her. Distraught and broken, she fled the room in shame, praying in the sacred hall until daybreak. When the others finally found her and were made aware of the situation the demon was gone.

Nine months later, A healthy baby boy was born, but not at all welcomed. While he wasn't turned away do to the convents creed, he was very much aware that he wasn't desired. Yet this never seemed to phase the child and he grew up almost constantly getting into trouble. Despite his mother's near-constant prayers and attempts to reform her ill-gotten son, the sisters began to suspect the wickedness to be his father's motivation, something that wasn't far from the truth in the slightest, as the duke of hell took to visiting his son in his dreams. Filling his head with his own teachings and understandings. Thus, upon the boy's 18th year, the sisters forced him to leave the grounds for a factory job a few towns over. This would be the very last time the demonic boy would ever lay eyes on his mother.

In the beginning, he did welcome the job bequeathed to him, but thanks to his horrid work ethic, he very quickly began to tread on thin ice. Regardless, he continued to push boundaries and attempt to con the other workers into doing his share for him. This only worked about 20% of the time, and even then it was done so more begrudgingly than he expected. This ill intent of laziness would later force him to quit his work at the factory altogether do to an accident that resulted in the loss of his right eye. Sadly, even though it was a work-related injury, it was done by his self inflicted inexperience and negligence and as a result, he was forced to quit and take some severance pay.

It was at this point that the half breed began his life as a con artist more or less. Reducing himself to prostitution, escorting, or even petty theft just for a bit of cash. As time moved forward though, as did Eon's abilities. With the help of his father, he learned everything he needed about his gifts and what it meant to be who he was. With even more confidence than ever before, Eon quickly learned that men are much more easily manipulated by a feminine touch, and began to crossdress. His expenses also became far higher, as did his taste in luxury. Over time, he would learn a fair deal of tips and tricks in this manipulative trade and go on to travel the world and sample many joys in life that mere humans never get.


  • He has a fascination with French food and tends to eat it more than any other cuisine.
  • His favorite dish of all time is Châteaubriand paired with a Saint Estephe wine.
  • He can speak 4 different languages. English, French, Latin, and Hebrew (both new and old).
  • He's a total power bottom


Duality - Set It Off

Sweet But Psycho - Ava Max

Scream - Avenged Sevenfold

Sweet Dreams - Marilyn Manson

Flesh - Simon Curtis

Theme by Circlejourney