RC-1622 "Heatsink"



3 years, 7 months ago


a commando with a passion for things that go pew-pew.

the kaminoans figured out pretty early on that heatsink was on the spectrum and had severe attention deficiency problems.
his inability to pay attention, retain information, and also not always making the best decisions had him qualified for decommissioning, but it was jango fett who found heatsink's true passion and gift in weaponry.
heatsink doesn't know how to change formations in the heat of a firefight but he can tell you everything about the inner workings of any rifle used by the republic.
it got to the point where jango began supplying him with various weapon parts and he began crafting his own, no instructions needed.
jango was pleased with his potential and felt like he should be encouraged to continue working like this, so he placed him in unit epsilon so he could continue living his best life.

heatsink became the second member to join unit epsilon.