Lemo + Nade ($5 / 400pts)



4 years, 25 days ago
Trade Listing
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Lemo (Lee-moh)

Nade (Nay-d)

Two twin brothers! Lemo is on the left, Nade on the right. Lemo is hella extroverted and the life of the party, occasionally getting into trouble but for the most part super friendly and laid back. Nade on the other hand, is the opposite, introverted, anxious, quiet, and a little irritable at times. Lemo is constantly trying to push Nade to be friendlier, introducing him to his friends, dragging him out to events and parties, much to Nade's annoyance. The two can butt heads because of their differences, but deep down they care for each other a lot, and will stand up for each other if need be.