


3 years, 7 months ago


Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva)
Sedum Dasyphyllum Minor
Dahila x hybrida

A priestess living in Astreea. After being fed up with society and living as a hermit in the forest for a decent while, she eventually returned extremely in-tune with her blessing and eventually wound up as Astreea's priestess. She has been around for at least 1,500 years.

Her skin has properties closer to that of chlorophyll, and while she walks around barefoot she will simply grow wood sandals from her feet if the terrain demands it. Her staff is actually made of wood from her pine blessing and is simply covered in other foliage; it is like an extension of herself. She will often secure it to her back with her own vines when not actively using it.

She's often calm and reserved, and sometimes a little cold, but is not, for the most part, malicious. She prefers to be alone much of the time and can often be seen simply walking about. However, she has not once missed participating in the leaf-surfing event held yearly, and genuinely enjoys it. She's been seen on occasion trying to sprout her own surf-able leaf.

She also takes on an occasional apprentice or two to teach them how to get closer to their blessings.

She occasionally travels to Iiara on occasion out of interest towards the events taking place there, providing her own knowledge of plants gained from spending so much time around them.

She seems to find bunnies cute. This may be why she has a flower bud sprouting from her to look like a bunny tail.