


7 years, 2 months ago


W I N T E L - - -

Role : White Rabbit.

♦ Name : Unknown; they say they "lost" their name.

♦ Nickname : Wintel is the most common. Nicknames from Chess include rabbit scum, dumb rabbit, shortie, small ears, and plenty other insults.

♦ Age : Unknown; appears to be in their mid 20s.

♦ Sex / Sexuality : Non-binary, asexual.

♦ Species : Human.

♦ Height : 5'3"

 Weight : 96 lbs.

Former / current occupation : Messenger for the Queen of Hearts | Florist.

♦ Other : They despise Chess | While their body type is feminine, as well as the clothes they wear, nobody knows Wintel's gender. Considering the fact that many people in Wonderland don't have genders, it is even more confusing.

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→ Wintel is a clumsy person, often falling and tripping on seemingly nothing. They do this a lot, and Chess seems to enjoy mocking and teasing them for this. They're often late for everything they do, and hate this, as it just gives Chess another reason to tease them. They're kind, though, one of the only people in the hellhole of Wonderland that will offer help to people. They're pretty okay with most people, especially if you're kind to them.

They despise Chess, and no-one knows why. Considering the fact that Wintel was Chess' teacher when he first got the job from the Queen of Hearts, it makes zero sense as to why they hate each other. But the truth is, Wintel suspects Chess killed the Queen of Hearts, considering how odd Chess acted around her. They don't trust Chess a bit, and hate it.

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