Vozenkiese "Char" Shein



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Vozenkiese Shein

Other Aliases

Charlie, Carlyle, Seth


∞ (presumed to be trillions of years old)


Agender (They/He)





Originally From

The Under-realm

Current Location

Earth, post end of human race


Avatar of Destruction, Primal God


"Hi, can I help you with anything?"

Vozenkiese (pronounced Vah-zen-kys), also known as Char, is an immortal being capable of shapeshifting and destryoing universes at will. Though their true form is that of a giant white snake, thousands of miles long, Char can keep a much more presentable humanoid form. His skin almost seems translucent at times and he often comes off as looking ill or sickly, with white eyes and hair to match. Their hair is almost always dyed though, since it doesn't really even need to be bleached. Char's flesh, blood, and organs are all an iridescent blue.

Vozenkiese was previously an extremely powerful god that played the role of overseeing planets that could inhabit life, and played the counterpart to his lover Reishekeiv, who was an Avatar of Creation. The two of them cultivated a planet capable of supporting mortal bodies and eventually took several young God's under their wing to help them manage Earth. Many many years pass, the dinosaurs are destroyed, and the age of man comes. It is 2023 and the planets condition becomes grim with humans quickly destroying Earth. Vozenkiese, enraged with the mankind that he helped to create, snaps and damns humanity to die in an all consuming plague. In 3 years mankind is wiped out completely and Vozenkiese begs his lover to make it right again, proposing a new, better species. Shane, a deity almost as powerful as Vozenkiese is disgusted with the Avatar's actions, and damns him to walk the Earth bearing the guise of what he hated so much. Insulting Vozenkiese and calling him weak for being unable to cope with his own mistakes. Reishekiev refuses to live under Shane's rule with the loss of their lover and lashes out in a final show of rebellion by creating several new humanoid species so that Vozenkiese would not have to be alone, before Shane damns them too to walk the earth. 

Years pass and as the new species rise and begin to cope and learn, Vozenkiese and Reishekiev eventually find eachother and walk the earth together. The two of them are calm, and try to be good to their new creations. They then happen upon a young angel named Saul Ruin, who insists on being friends with Vozenkiese and Reishekiev, unaware of what both of them actually are. Saul later becomes a kind and well loved man in the position of a leader, with two Gods at his side, both of them quietly admire and protect him, seeing him as endearing and whole. Saul begins to age, he doesn't recover from things as well anymore, his bones ache and the pair of deities that have walked with him his entire life seem lost and frustrated with how insignificant and small the lifespan of organic life is. Vozenkiese and Reishekieve have undeniably fallen for their mortal companion and don't deny being selfish either, they both love him very hard and wait for the day he tells them he couldn't bare to live without them. And when it comes they make him immortal, damning him to walk the earth with them in the gentlest way they can. 
Of course, it's been a long time since that's all happened. Saul is the first in the line of an extremely powerful family of royals, but he lives quietly in the northern alpine with his two beloved partners. Reishekiev stays at home mostly, but Vozenkiese works at the post-apocalypse Walmart. And if you come in 5 minutes before close, you'll probably meet your maker.