


7 years, 2 months ago


Name: Estelle VonJonson
Alias: Essy, Es
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'
Weight: 91lbs
Species: Human

Occupation: Scientist

Personality: Estelle isolates herself from others, not often allowing herself to become very close to the people around her. She'd rather be alone than to lose someone she loves again. However, doing this, she has become a rather lonely person, spending time staring out windows or playing checkers games with herself while she watches the world pass her by. She's usually very soft spoken, even a bit sad sounding, though if she feels she's becoming too fond of someone, she'll yell and scream and find ways to drive them away from her, to make them dislike her so they'll eventually stop visiting. She had been a happy, excitable, and energetic child. she's much different now than she was then. But no matter her behavior she is kind at heart.
Bio: She has effectively isolated herself from the world, leaving her only contact to be nurses and doctors as they care for her in the hospital, and a nurse who lives with her when she returns home, she's been this way for six long years. During the death of her family, Estelle acquired a serious head injury, leaving nothing left of her right eye and causing damage to her brain. It's a miracle she's alive today, let alone stayed conscious long enough to call for help afterwards. She stays in the hospital regularly, going in for treatment every month, if not sooner. That glowing red substance in the IV bag that they attach to her head is a creation of her parents, who were both doctors and scientists. It is an extremely experimental treatment for brain injuries; so far, those receiving the treatment have to come in regularly for a treatment that will only go so far in the process before all it does is keep things from getting any worse. Side effects of this substance, known as "Camiah", may include but are not limited to; Memory lapses, reversion, confusion, insomnia  and in extreme cases, paralysis , coma's, death, psychotic breaks. Other then death, effects will likely, eventually wear off, probably.

Family: Parents; Camilla VonJonson - Mother(Deceased), Jeremiah VonJonson - Father(Deceased) Brothers; Fredrick - 25(Deceased-19), Ryan- 22(Deceased-16), Peter- 21(Deceased-15), Elijah - 16(Deceased-10), Jeremiah Junior(JJ) - 12(Deceased-6)