Captihaedus-Batty CS



9 years, 2 days ago


For Offers

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Name: Jasmine
Gender: Female
Species: BloomTail
Gem: Morganite
Species Info
Only recently unearthed from these gemstones are actually a race of rabbitkin with a rock eating parasite growing from out of their tails. They were dug up as fossils of a time long past as gemstones but one day the gemstones 'awoke' taking a form from their past. Researchers learned from one of the willing that they took to sleeping after their cavernous underground kingdom caved in on them.

So once more breathing they fled from the humans since hiding their traits is hard to do and the fact that humans are a greedy creature in general.. the gemstone hearts that this race possess is their very life source, without it they will surely die. Turn to a fragile statue and break. The gemstones alone has been known for many things;
Beauty, Rarity, High Wealth, Long life.
So to preserve the race they keep off to themselves in seclusion, only forming bonds with high trust to others that will protect their gemstones. 

Temperment - Rabbit-like in some ways, but their personality varies from enviroment. Humanoid body with Rabbit ears andTail. The most common tail is a mouth that opens four ways, much like a flower blooms.
Bloom Tail Mouth - Inside the mouth are rows of small serrated teeth in addition to several long, thin spine tipped tongues to pull prey in. Their tail tongues can and will be used to keep themsleves anchored to the ground.
Mating - They mate for life, if their mate ever left (either by being carried off or killed) their own gemstone would crack from brokenheartedness and they would never take another.
Babies - They are born with the gems as well as the rock eating parasite which grows into their tail and functions as a mouth. Parents need to stay with their children at all times to make sure they don't float off because they won't have proper control of their abilities yet. Children are mostly ground walkers, Adults can walk but they choose to float when they are sleeping (Think like otters and how they would hold onto the other to keep from floating away from them while they sleep)
Children - They are considered rare because many doesn't survive the first few days of life, and many more get lost or killed for being to curious around humans. The humans will steal their stones.
Hierarchy - There's no real hierarchy, they are all equals though the rare gemstones usually land them extra protection as they usually have leadership roles.
Alignment - They are all 'good', though there are a handful of jaded ones. The jaded ones will hide their own stones and features to steal others stones. The gemless ones are basically dead puppets.
Eating Habits - Like many creatures they eat normally to sustain themselves however due to the magic they are filled with, if they choose to encase themselves in their gemstones till someone awakens them (not an easy process) they can live for hundreds of years without eating. While they don't parituclarly eat meat, that's not to say the parasite of a tail doesn't. If something is unlucky enough to be caught by it's tongues, it will be pulled in.
Habitat - The rabbitkin can virtually live anywhere so long as they are safe. They are not central to any one region, though they won't be near the sea, by choice anyway.