Rohan Zaxin



3 years, 6 months ago


Rohan Zaxin is a Tabaxi Paladin who has a very edgy streak to him on the surface, but in actuality wants to help those in need as much as possible. One such person in need was Caesar Hellwalker, a Teifling who was taken to the realm of New Madonra, a Cyberpunk dystopia with a mad scientist, Adrian Finol, ruling it all. While the semantics of why Adrian would need Caesar were ultimately lost on Rohan, he still pressed on and helped save Caesar alongside a group of adventurers that he joined not too long ago, and were also in search of Caesar. While the victory felt hollow, since Caesar got the final blow on Adrian, Rohan was at least happy to know that Caesar was safe, and that he now had an adventuring group to be a part of. Caesar would eventually rejoin this adventuring group, and he and Rohan would become quick friends. 

This group would go on to save the world from 3 threats, all within the span of a couple weeks. Relative peace would befall Waterdeep, but that didn't mean all the threats were dealt with. In particular, one is particularly troubling Caesar. Caesar was told in a multiversal demi-god's final words that he did not truly kill Adrian, and he is out there, somewhere. This was something Caesar had a feeling about, yet didn't have the time to look into, until now. Meanwhile, Rohan Zaxin is searching through the rubble of a particularly destructive battle that leveled some lower city blocks in the aftermath, and is looking for survivors to evacuate of any kind. On his search, he finds a stone of magical origin, one that can swap souls with ease. Normally, this would be sent to the Headquarters of the Order of The Eye, the current government of Waterdeep, the last known city in Fae'run after the disaster that struck 500 years ago, to be used to keep the shields that protect the city up. But, as Rohan is making his way to turn the artifact in, Caesar stops him and asks for the stone. Puzzled why he would need a stone of such power, but ultimately trusting that Caesar would do no harm with it, Rohan warns about what the stone can do, but hands it to Caesar regardless. 

Caesar would then go MIA, with Rohan lamenting ever giving the stone to Caesar, saying that something changed in him that day. While it would seem fate itself wouldn't have any further plans for Rohan, in actuality, its only getting started.

(In a new timeline...)

Rohan Zaxin is a Tabaxi Paladin who has a very edgy streak to him on the surface, but in actuality wants to help those in need as much as possible, even if it means sacrificing himself in the process. One day, Rohan ends up joining the Waterdeep city guard, and ends up with a group of "friends" who end up scamming him out of all his money. He ends up leaving the city guard and then joining up with a group of adventurers that is stationed in a apartment in the lower slums of Waterdeep. This group would end up on a quest to stop 4 demi gods from bringing an end to the remains of civilization, which is stationed in Waterdeep, run by a government called The Order Of The Eye. One of these demi gods, a multiversal being named Death, says something to Rohan in his final words that he doesn't quite understand. He says that "in all my years, I can't wait to see this fated path you'll follow in particular... Good luck in your search for who you really are." These words trouble Rohan, but he has no time at the moment to dwell on it, as he has Waterdeep to save from a man who is the father of a particularly secretive Aasimar in his adventuring group. This man has found a distaste for the way civilization is going, and wishes to wipe the slate clean using a magical artifact that would end all life in Fae'run. Rohan, alongside the adventuring group he has joined, puts a stop to this. Rohan builds a true bond with these adventurers, and once they stop these threats, they are deemed heroes by The Order of the Eye. 

A year passes, and things are calm for the most part, though Rohan hasn't been able to find that Aasimar he helped for a long while, as he left without a trace, and his adventuring group has been off doing their own thing for a quite bit as well. This leaves Rohan to start pondering what that demi-god, Death, said to him. As he keeps on thinking about what was said, the less it makes sense to him. Then, on a normal day like any other, Rohan gets called to the order of the eye's building. Rohan is skeptical at first, as he knows that the government he is deemed a hero under isn't always home to the most good intentioned of people, but he makes his way over regardless. He walks into a meeting where his old adventuring group (minus the aasimar) are discussing not only the magical shield that protects the city, how it was founded, but also how it might be in danger if they don't stop a man known as Clark Lockwood, a lich in disguise that is making preparations to awake a man at the top of a mountain outside the city walls, one that was sealed away long ago, and that his seal is integral to keeping the shields up, and the gods of the forgotten realms at bay. Rohan and the group are familiar with this lich, as he was the one that helped people evacuate the fight with the aasimar's father. But, even though all of this seems like a good intentioned plan to help maintain the status quo, something about this feels almost wrong, like this will put a unremovable mark of controversy on the group if they accept this quest. 

Regardless, Rohan and the others accept the quest, and surmise that the best course of action would be to gather intel on the outskirts of Waterdeep to start. along the way, they follow a trail that leads them to Vaknin, the aasimar that left without a word a year ago. He is in search for something that he will not divulge what it is quite yet, but implores the party to "leave him alone for now". After a bit of digging deeper on the matter, it is found out that Vaknin is looking to carry out the same plans as his father. A fight between the group and Vaknin breaks out, and Rohan is ultimately the one to bring his former friend to the cells of the Order. This hurts Rohan deeply, as he cant believe the one he trusted could betray him like that, but, Rohan presses on. A bit later, Clark Lockwood comes to the town square to do his normal speeches about how he wants to "help the city" and other "philanthropic goals of his". Seeing for what Clark truly is, a lich, Rohan, in a fit of anger over recent events, takes the mic to cast Detect Evil and Good on Clark. Realizing this is the prefect opportunity to tarnish the reputation of the heroes of Waterdeep, Clark teleports away, but makes it look like Rohan has killed Clark out in the open, in front of the public. Devastated, and at a loss for words, Rohan runs off, and goes to his house to shut in and to never adventure again. As Rohan goes to sleep for the night, he has a dream of an oddly clothed tabaxi encased in a magical seal, one that calls to him. Rohan is filled with a subconscious desire to help this tabaxi, no matter the cost, even if it means laying down his own life to help this dreamy being.

Rohan wakes up with a newfound drive to stop Clark, no matter the cost. He rejoins his adventuring group, and Rohan learns that his magic stunt has given Clark the impetus to make his way up the mountain and unshackle the seal on the top. Rohan and the group eventually reach the top to find that Clark has started the ritual, in full lich form. A fight breaks out, with an emotionally charged Rohan dealing the crippling blow to Clark. As the group stand there, in the snow, with Rohan's sword at Clark's neck, Clark laughs. He remarks that the ritual is finished, and they were the ones to complete it, by spilling his blood on sacred ground. The ground begins to shake, as the seal breaks. A broken celestial looking being emerges from the rubble, one that the group was briefed on before. Kilroth, a half elf wizard that was used as a conduit, a lightning rod of sorts, to keep not only the magic of the cataclysm that happened 500 years ago, but the power and influence of all the gods of the forgotten realms at bay. And now he is free, thanks to the group's actions. He offers the group to join his cause, or to be branded as dissenters to his oncoming order. Rohan and the group, with looks of horror, yet determination, decline. He smiles, and then tells the group they have 1 day to fortify what's left of their blasphemous ranks, as he needs to cleanse himself of Clark's influence on his body. He then flies off, at godly speed. 

Rohan, about to give up, notices something that gives him fleeting hope for the time being. The device that was used to seal Kilroth, sitting there, in the rubble, alongside the dead adventurers that used it on him. They give similar vibes to his group. If Rohan could use the seal to stop Kilroth, just like they did, will he end up like them? Rohan had no time to dwell on this, as he picks up the device, and he and his group make their way back to Waterdeep. They make it just in time to see that the shield is down, and Kilroth is making his way towards the center of the city, where the order of the eye building is located, with heavy opposition from the city's guard. Rohan and the others make their way to help the city guard, as buildings and streets all across Waterdeep are getting leveled, and citizens are being evacuated in mass. Rohan and his friends help fend off Kilroth for the time being in a intensive fight that has both parties giving it their all. As the group weakens Kilroth, Rohan pulls out the sealing device, and gets ready to plunge it directly into Kilroth's heart, knowing full well that what he is about to do will be an act of sacrifice for himself. Rohan ponders for a moment all the questions that lay unanswered, but then shakes his head as if to put that all behind him. Things almost seem as if they are playing in slow motion for Rohan, as he declares to his friends what he is about to do. Just as Rohan is about to lunge forward to give the sealing blow, Kilroth gains some sort of jolt of energy that allows him to break free of his weakened form. He then says "...seems like I sense another demi-god around odd...I wonder if this has to do with Rohan's magical aura..." He then makes his way to just about a couple blocks to the center of Waterdeep, as the group, Rohan, and the city guard follow. There lay a demi-god tabaxi, battered and bruised, who Rohan recognizes as the same tabaxi that he saw in his dreams. He has to save him, he was destined to. 

A final fight between Rohan and Kilroth begins, as his adventuring group, and the city guard bring this unconscious godly tabaxi to safety and support Rohan where they can. Rohan weakens Kilroth again, and as he is about to use the seal, the ruler of Waterdeep, and the Order of the Eye, walks out, and stuns Kilroth. He explains that he was the one to put the gods energy into KIlroth, and the one to put up the shield. He laments doing so, and says that while it is ultimately up to Rohan on what he should do, He should be the one to seal or kill Kilroth, not Rohan. He also explains that if they kill Kilroth, then the energy of the gods will be all released back at once, and even he doesn't know what'll happen. Rohan reluctantly agrees to let him do the next action, but after some thought, and other input from his group, he asks the man to kill Kilroth instead of sealing him, as ultimately the damage is already done to the seals and magic in place protecting Waterdeep. Just as the ruler of Waterdeep is about to usher in a new era by killing Kilroth, a limping demi god tabaxi, who introduces himself as Rygar Mythos, says that he wouldn't trust the Order of the Eye if the group was him. He explains that he was escaping a collapsing timeline and made it to this realm, only to be stunned and sealed away by the mages of the order. As the ruler of Waterdeep hears this, he interjects and says he ultimately had to to make sure the seal on Kilroth wasn't broken, since Rygar's energy would have gone to him if they hadn't done so. Hearing this, Rygar calms down a bit, but then requests that he be stripped of his powers and immortality completely, as he is through with using his energy to help others. As Rohan hears this, he feels as if he knows this tabaxi from somewhere, but he just cant quite place where. Rygar then notices Rohan, and as their eyes lock, something clicks in Rygar, who exclaims; "Wait... Caesar, is that you?!" 

Rohan's eyes widen, as what Death had said to him finally makes sense. All of it. As Rohan stares in disbelief for a moment, before responding with, "I-I....guess so." This moment gets cut short however as a blast cries out as the ruler of Waterdeep uses his magic to rid Rygar of his immortality and sacrifice himself to kill Kilroth. As everyone recoils from the blast, mountains begin to move and the ground begins to shake, as the influence of the gods of the forgotten realms return to Fae'run. A shadowy presence begins to wash over everyone, as a particular god wants to make themselves known.

(Rest of description is TBD)