


3 years, 6 months ago


(Wildemount D&D character)

Stick is a goblin who was resurrected as a hollow one. He doesn't remember much of his previous life, except that he, like most goblines, were under the influence of Bane and experienced little to no free will or independent thought. When he was revived, though, he found his mind to be clear and uninvaded by any malevolent gods. So when ████████████ approached him, informing him that he was the one who resurrected him and freed him of Bane's influence, Stick thanked him ecstatically and immediately pledged himself to ████████████'s service, becoming a warlock.

████████████ did ask a favor of him, of course, but only that Stick makes sure to have a little fun, especially with some of the more serious folk he might come across. Stick does his best to uphold this promise, but gets distressed when his jokes and japes upset others instead of entertain them. 

Stick is a young goblin, with a lot of joy in his heart and a deep longing for personal connection. Few people want to befriend an undead goblin though, and his attempts to connect, or his presence at all, are, typically not well received. He has a very poor understanding of social etiquette as well, and his common tends to be shaky at best. So he's come to expect any friendship he makes to be fleeting at best, and is slow to form any sort of lasting emotional connection. 

and then maf got tired of writing