


3 years, 11 months ago


Can't Fool Me


Take On Me - A-Ha

nameWattan (Waa-tae-N)

ageAppears to be 30



occupationRoyal guard field agent

aliasWatson, Waters



voice actorTBA

breeding optionsIC and OOC

"Every step you take, I'll be watching you." ;)

Friendly, Playful, Sociable--- Insecure, Smug, Dramatic

Wattan tends to be an odd one for sure. Being one of the royal field officers, he is tasked with keeping tabs on various other Hocreans as well as generally help those in need. That being the case, he's often in other dimensions, blending in with the populace. He's a master of disguise, having a face and a suit for just about every occasion within any dimension. When he's on the job it can be hard to pick out just who he is, unless you know his voice well enough. He could be the baker, the lawyer, the herbalist or the mechanic. He's done the research of nearly any profession he can before taking the part. He fits in like the piece of a puzzle, perfect in nearly every way. His character depends drastically on what persona he's trying to portray, but generally he's very friendly. Those that know him well can know that he's pretty playful, more than able to state things on occasion funny enough to earn a laugh, but he can also come off as smug with his intense knowledge. Keep an eye out for him, for all one knows, he may be there in the shadows, hiding in plain sight.

Born and raised in Ocrea, Wattan has always been something of a permanent resident, though a lot of people have found him to be the oddball of the flock. He's always been a little on the childish side, even as he's grown up he's still retained a child-like humor and mind, something most Hocreans find rather unattractive, since maturity is something that is rejoiced in more than childishness. Nevertheless, his people welcomed him when it was finally time for him to choose a form of occupation, and he ultimately opted to go into the war division. Unfortunately, the war division declined him, so he was instead placed into the working division, where he was placed to work in a bakery. At the time being he knew nothing of baking and cooking, so he was just told to watch and imitate those around him, to learn through the experience of others and, ultimately, create his own experience. He took this task very seriously, and those around him couldn't help but notice just how quickly he caught on and learned, as well as how well he could imitate those around him. When people called in sick, which was particularly rare, he liked to play and pretend that he was, instead, the missing employee. He did so well that his boss seemed to notice, and then opted to have Wattan study him in his work as well. It wasn't long before Wattan could nearly manage the bakery by himself, much like his boss already did. The fact he could latch onto the ins and outs of the job, as well as the personality and characteristics of the person doing it caught attention. In particular, it caught the attention of the young prince one day, when he came to visit the bakery. Completely enthralled by the peculiar paladin, the royal family invited him into their presence after the prince had spoken so kindly of him. So to the castle he went.

The family wanted to see this for themselves, and so had him stay with them for a few days to see just how well he could imitate them. Not surprisingly, within only a few days, Wattan could not only imitate the majority of the royal family, he could do their tasks and perform as well as they could in their own normal duties. It was astonishing, to the point where the family was in awe, for no paladin could do such a thing as far as they could remember, and they were amongst the longest lived families within Ocrea. One of the older princes then proposed the idea to place Wattan within the field division, where he could keep watch over other Hocreans within their various dimensions, as well as help them keep tabs on the dimensions as a whole. The family thought it well and good, so Wattan was placed within such a division and ultimately trained on the things in which the field entailed. Not long after, he was dispatched, off to visit the dimensions and learn from them.

It took hims many years for him to get to the place where he is at now, but if it were anyone else it would've taken much longer. Now he is quite content, watching from the shadows those who need watching. Not many, if at all, recognize him, but there are exceptions on the rare occasion. He collects information for the royal family and the war division quite regularly. Otherwise, nowadays he doesn't imitate so much as he creates his own personas and uses them in various places. Many recognize his personas, but none know who he truly is. And it will remain that way.


1.He's usually wearing red, whether as a color of clothing or an accessory. He likes red.

2.He has a very soft spot for pumpkin pie.

3.Despite being able to imitate nearly everything, he cannot properly decorate a cake for the life of him.

4.Still somewhat of an outcast in his home, so is usually found in other dimensions.

5.Likes to flirt, but never takes it farther than that. He's looking for someone who he can spend the rest of his life with, who would love him for who he is and not one of his personas.

6.Can't sing very well. He practices when he's bathing, but otherwise he still sounds...eh.
