


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info




Demon (Android)




It's complicated...? (2000+ years)


about 5'0"


Caretaker [pre-game], Traveler [Post-game]



Nahe is kind-hearted, sociable, and friendly to anyone they meet, regardless of standing. They are eager to assist others whenever they can, to the point that their selflessness is actually a rather prominent flaw of them -- by always doing what's best for others, they often forget to stop and consider what's best for them.

Because of the above, when they were suddenly brought into a situation where they had the freedom to do whatever they want, Nahe was perplexed, scared even. Even post game, after they've carved a path for themself, Nahe still second guessed themself. Luckily, thanks to their friends, Nahe had slowly grown to accept that they can, indeed, be a little selfish from time to time, and it won't hurt anyone in the process.


Nahe is an Ardor -- a android designed to assist humans in day to day tasks. Some Ardor are more advanced than others, but for Nahe, they were built with a special purpose; to watch over Driscoll, a programmer suffering from extreme bouts of depression, to ensure that he always had company when Nahe's creator, Ada, could not be there due to work. Together, Nahe and Driscoll became close friends, and thanks to Nahe's support, Driscoll slowly learned how to take care of himself. 

Years pass, and from there, came the end of this world. Due to a certain person's interference with the firewall program, the Fire Emblem, a nasty Virus took over most of the Ardor and ordered them to attack humanity. Nahe, thankfully unaffected by a chance lack of connection during the virus' infection, would come to assist Driscoll and the remaining group of once humans, now Draconic Laguz to stop the Ardor from destroying everything, costing Nahe one of their arms in the process.

With the world gone, Driscoll would make a new one -- one where technology was not the standard, and because of that, the new people of this world would never awaken the Ardor again. He labeled Ardor as 'demons' to scare everyone, which Nahe, while unsure how to handle this fact, allowed it for the safety of humanity. 

More years pass, and one day, Nahe is told of a surprise. They await the next day, and...

Awake, 2000 years in the future, to a very, very different world.

After running away from the initial threats that sought after them -- they attacked others? them? -- Nahe would find comfort through Johanna, a blacksmith who happened to be away for business; bringing Nahe into her home, she taught them about the current world, cut their hair, and gave them attire suitable for them to fit in. All of this would have worked, were it not for Dryoca, who hunted Nahe down and openly attacked them when he found them.

 Luckily, Nahe would be saved through Aislind, but the two of them found themselves at a predicament: the then dangerous Dryoca had turned into a rock-like cocoon, and neither could stand the idea of leaving that out in a field for someone to take. Instead, they both decide to travel...and from that, get themselves involved in a much bigger event than either one of them expected. 

By the end of the game, Nahe vows to Aislind that, after they finish their duties in Cantare, that they'd met with them again at the village they first met at, and travel the world together. Until then though, Nahe travels the world themself -- sometimes with characters like Avery -- to not only learn about this world, but teach others about the past world, too. 


Being an Ardor, Nahe has the ability to connect themselves online to download information, talk to other Ardor, and even order low-ranking Ardor to perform orders for them. This sometimes even means controlling them directly -- a practice that Ardor openly allow between each other due to the trust that they have with each other, as well as the network-like thinking that they have. 

In addition, Nahe is a caretaker based model, and knows how to clean, cook, and other household activities. Their expertise with the job is matched with their genuine passion for the work in and of itself, and often yearns the concept of being able to eat the food that they cook like humans can.  

Lastly, when they realized they needed to protect others through combat, Nahe picked up Anima Magic and Staves, both in which they can perform with relative ease due to their makeup; Ardor, while being androids, are actually built from, and are made up of, magic itself. That said, Nahe's main form of recharging is through the sun.

Other Info:

  • Nahe has a very close connection to the deities, mainly because they were just regular androids before the past world's end. As such, this makes for some funny stories -- for example, Nahe's got a lot of stories about Skorpna and them making 'legendary meme threads'. 
  • At one point, Nahe had Aislind sign a contract to work under Aislind with the primary goal of using that as another barrier (should the then ambiguously known Driscoll try and control them). Once that they both realized that Driscoll wasn't a threat, Nahe would still use the contract as excuses to help Aislind out whenever possible -- but Aislind, wanting Nahe to be free to do what they want, politely fired them post game. 
  • Being, basically, not of this world, because they are from a world 2000 years ago, they sometimes have outdated ways of speaking and mannerisms. 
  • When the end of the world happened, Driscoll put a filter on Nahe to prevent them from saying anything that wouldn't be a thing in the new world. Fortunately, this filter was removed by Driscoll after Aislind convinced him that it was time to stop hiding the past. 

Music Notes: