



"The Court know what is best, and I do this on their behalf."

  • AGE 471
  • RACE Summer Sidhe
  • HEIGHT 6'9"
  • PRONOUNS They/Them
  • ORIENTATION Asexual Demiromantic
  • GENDER Agender
  • CLASS Assassin
  • ALIGNMENT Lawful Neutral

They act on behalf of the Summer Court as a hunter and assassin, keeping Tír na nÓg safe from both monster and Sidhe alike. They do not have many friends, holding most at a distance from them, disliking having attachments that can distract them from their purpose. The few exceptions to this are those they hunt with, although even they Faroir is hesitant to truly call friends.

They are devoted entirely to their Court, and will not hesitate to kill those who show any signs of defecting. Any who doubt the Court are viewed as traitors by Faroir, and a danger greater to Tír na nÓg than even the fearsome creatures they hunt.

  • They are more prone to extreme anger than other emotions.
  • They are very skilled with both daggers and bows, and are extremely knowledgable about poisons.
  • They have a slight glow to them, although it is not very visable except in dark places.

Layout by Parziivale | Code by AviCode