Parent 1: (Female)

Parent 2: (Trans Female)

Any preferred lineart? Or lineart style: Doesn't matter!

Prefer Kit or Adult lineart?: Does't matter!

Things to try and keep on the design: Nothing super specific, but I would like a few spots still being kept for Copperspot!!

How many kits preferred?: 2

Payment Method: (Art or DA points): DA points

Other: Nothing in specific!

Already know you have slow replies, don't feel rushed to reply ^^

Thank you so much for your understanding, I will try and get this done very soon! And I will still get the Darkflare and Grumpyflare kits done too when I do this one!

Alrighty >:D Don't feel rushed!! Your designs are really pretty ^^

They are both finished!! I hope you enjoy them, and so sorry for the long wait!

Parent 1:

Parent 2:

Any preferred lineart? Or lineart style(realistic, chibi, etc.): what ever

Prefer Kit or Adult lineart?: adult 

Things to try and keep on the design: the random spots

How many kits preferred?: 2

Payment Method:art

Other: none

So sorry for taking so long! I haven’t been very active because of home reasons! Are you still interested? So sorry!!

yes, and I don't mind waiting

Cat Form: 

Parent 1:

Parent 2:

Any preferred lineart? Or lineart style(realistic, chibi, etc.): No preference! Whichever you’d like.

Prefer Kit or Adult lineart?: Adult please!

Things to try and keep on the design: A small heart on the design (can be hard to notice) and one white/lighter coloured paw, please!

How many kits preferred?: 1

Payment Method: DA points

Other: If it helps, this OC would be the sibling of

Thank you so much for ordering, I will get started once I complete the order before! You can send the points to my DA either now or when I finish, whichever works for you!

i’ll go ahead and send it!

Got them, thank you so much! I will transfer the kitten once I am done!

Sorry for the wait! She is finished! I hope you like her, let me know if something is wrong and I can try to fix it! Thank you so much for ordering!

i love her!! tysm! your designs are incredible!

Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate that thank you!

Parent 1:

Parent 2:

Any preferred lineart? Or lineart style(realistic, chibi, etc.): None! I like all lineart ^^

(optional) Prefer Kit or Adult lineart?: Adult

(optional) Things to try and keep on the design: The little dots around the white markings!

How many kits preferred?: I can only get 2 bc i have 12 points and im poor :sob:

Payment Method: (Art or DA points): DA points

Other: Nothing specific!

I will get started soon! You can send the points to my DA now or when I am done, whichever works for you! Thank you so much for ordering!


Thank you! They should be done soon, I will transfer each one to you as soon as they're done!

Alrighty! excited to see the results :D

Sent them both over, so sorry for the wait! I hope you like them!

2 Replies
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Sorry for my late response! I will get started now, you can send the points to my DA! Thank you for ordering!

Hello, so sorry for the delay! They are all finished, once the points are sent I will send them over! If there's any you don't like, let me know and I will make a replacement!

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Thank you, and no worries! I will send them now!

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Np! I hope you enjoy them!

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Yep, 35 points is the total! I will get started on it tomorrow, since it’s night for me right now! Thank you so much for ordering!

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They’ve been received! Thank you, I will get started soon!

Finished them all! So sorry for taking so long!! If you'd like some 2-3 extra free kits from another litter or art as an apology, I'd be happy to give you that!

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Thank you so much!!! And it's not too early for more, I love doing these and you can order as many as you want!

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I will get started! Thank you so much!! And yes, the total is 25! My DA is CheeseHamster57 if you want to send them there!

9 Replies



Any preferred lineart?: Nope!

Prefer Kit or Adult lineart: adult please

How many kids preferred?: 3-5

Things to try and keep on the design: Keep or rid of what ever

Payment Method: : art

Other: Go crazy!

Thank you so much for ordering! I'll get them done soon!

And for the payment, one piece of art would be a complete payment! I'd love it if you could draw or! If you don't want to draw them, you can draw anyone here!:

Here you go, I hope 4 is a good amount, since you wanted 3-5! Once you send the payment, I will send them over! Thank you so much for ordering!

Hello, so sorry to bother! I was wondering if you were still interested, as I haven't gotten a response or payment yet? I'm sorry to bother you, I'm just curious!

I'm finishing up the art.

Okay, so sorry to bother you! I was just curious since I never got a response!

Hello, sorry to bother you again, but I haven't heard from you for almost a week. Are you still interested in these kits? If not, I can just give them away to other people, no worries!

I'm still interested, im just finishing up.

Okay, sorry! Please tell me if you ever end up losing interest though!

Hello, sorry to bother you, but it has been a month without payment, so I am going to give the kittens away. You are free to order a different litter another time if you'd like, though!

9 Replies

Mother: Icyclaw
Father: Lynx
Any preferred lineart?: Nope
How many kids preferred?: 4-6!
Things to try and keep on the design: Go wild! and Icyclaw's genetics are listed!

I don’t have a way to draw atm, but the moment I do I will get them done!

ah ok!!!

Thank you so much, I’m sorry!

you're ok!!! take your time

Any preferred lineart?: Any!
How many kids preferred?: 4
Things to try and keep on the design: Go wild!
Other: Love ya designs man! also i'll be paying in points!

Of course, I'll work on this once I get the chance, hopefully tomorrow! Thanks for buying!

sent the points now! i can't wait for these guys!

Thank you!

Sent the kits, thank you for buying! I hope you like them!

I love them!!!! tysm!

Yw! I'm glad you like them!