Deimos's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Rachine Global Rules

1. Any of my original designs, whether bought from me or gotten through someone else for whatever reasons cannot be sold for more than their original price, unless extra art is involved. 

Trading, however, is fine. Please notify me before you trade off a design though! I like to keep tabs on where my designs are going and who has them for personal reasons. It is not required, but I would appreciate being told.

2. If a design/character I created was bought for any kind of game currency (Flightrising currency, Waja currency, PFQ currency, ect), or through a trade through me it can NOT be sold for USD for any reason whatsoever. If extra art is added however, you may only sell for the cost of the added art itself.

3. Buying/Trading for a design with the intention of giving it to someone on my blacklist is not allowed, and as such will earn you a spot on my blacklist as well.

Current Blacklist: Pretzel, topiekaa, hammerlockestadium/GloomyGrimoire/CelestialVoyager, PlushKaiju

4. If you're added to my blacklist, any designs of my that you own at that moment in time will NOT be revoked, just putting that here so it's clear. Obtaining any of my designs AFTER the fact however is unacceptable.