


9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info











class type



General info
Noam works as a prostitute in the City of the Fours. He was dsigned and trained for this job only and is incapable of doing anything else, regardless how much he wants to. Noam is a bitter, angry person and takes it out on everybody, even someone he loves like Harold or York.

Noam is a Jet clone and so resembles his progenitor, tall and lean and the iconic nose, except that his hair is black and a bit wavy and he has blue eyes. He has golden tatoos down his arms and sides. He wears a sleeveless tunic and toeless boots, both easy to remove. On his back he has scars from the punishment he received during his youth at the school.

Noam has only minor cybernetic enhancements for longevity. He is skilled in acrobatics and very flexable, both to please his clients and for passive defense. He illegally carries a garrote ring that he is highly proficient at using, much to everyone's worry.

Like the rest of his class, Noam was designed and raised to perform sexual services for Fours and even Twos. Unfortunately, during his training, he refused the advances of a Four warden who would not take no for an answer. Noam pushed him away, hard, and ran. He was later grabbed by the guards and brought to the wardens for punishment. Beaten, whipped, and raped, he was found by the medical staff who promptly went to the head of the schooling department and had the whole Noam training program restructured. This did not help Noam at all, who was still pushed through training and then sent to the city afterwards to perform his duty.

Scarred and considered unruly, Noam had difficulties maintaining clients and was often left to spend nights on the streets. Despite the law that Fours are to give any Noam who asks a place to stay for the night, there is still a stigma attached and most won't. Noams, being one of the least cybernized, are susceptable to weather and winter was setting in when Noam, desperate and nowhere to go, attempted to end his life. He was stopped by York who then took him home to care for him, much to Mustang's annoyance. Noam didn't stay long, but has since maintained a close relationship with York, who looks out for him when he can. They often have a cigarette or two with each other in the evenings.

When York and Mustang decided to accompany Albert on his quest, Noam tagged along in order to try to find a new life for himself. In the City of the Sixers and Sevens, Noam used his one trained skill to distract Harold the archivist so that the rest of the team could search the off-limit archives. It was just a quickie in the closet, but the best sex Noam had ever had in his life. Enamored, he did not argue when Harold wished to join the group.

Noam and Harold began a relationship over the course of the adventure, though they had many ups and downs mostly due to Noam's history and Harold's incomprehension of his lover's limited concept of romance. Other issues such as Harold attempting to teach Noam how to read ended in frustration. They overcame most of these issues, mostly by learning to simply talk to one another, and after Albert's quest had finished and the Twos decalred themselves independant of the Fours, Noam moved in with Harold in the City of the Sixers and Sevens and they soon married. In Harbinger, the two are still happily together.

Stories: Progenitor