


9 years, 5 months ago

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In the City of the Fours, theater is bigger than film and the most popular genres are drama/romances, war stories, and reenactments of the 00 cyborgs’ lives, usually of their fight against Black Ghost.

Kukulkan alternates between acting and dance, (though he’s being turned down by dance companies more and more as he’s considered too old) usually landing secondary roles in war plays. He’s tried out for the role of Jet Link before and was always rejected, but he never gave up, determined that one day he’d get a leading part. Kukulkan auditioned for Jet Link again (the only major role a Two can usually hope to get) and the director stopped him before he finished, informing him that “you just aren’t Jet Link.” Disappointed, he was about to leave when to his (and everyone else’s) surprise, the director told him to read for Albert Heinrich. Kukulkan admitted he didn’t have a literacy permit and couldn’t read, to which the director told him to say what he thought Albert would, and then had him do Venus’ death scene. He nailed it, and the director gave him the role of Heinrich then and there.

The producers, of course, threw a fit that a Two would be playing their Progenitor (especially one who couldn’t read the damn script) and worried over losing their investors. The director calmly pointed out that a Four playing Jet Link never bothered anybody, despite the fact there were many good Two actors out there, and then asked them to come and sit in on an early rehearsal. They did so, and the director had Maverick Bentley and Kukulkan perform Jet and Albert butting heads. The producers admitted that Kukulkan had great chemistry with Bentley and the other actors and said nothing more on the matter.

Bentley liked working with Kukulkan and helped him memorize his lines by reading them to him. The play opened with great reviews, most notably on the cast and their chemistry and praising Kukulkan’s performance. He went on to perform Albert Heinrich (often alongside Bentley, to his joy) many times.