Fel (Mowa)



6 years, 27 days ago


  • Very un-mowa mowa, more concerned with beauty and philosophy than violence or hunting
  • As a result he tends to find most other mowas dull and tries to draw out interesting reactions
  • Very arrogant, thinks that he's above other mowas
  • Speaks softly and smoothly, holds himself very proudly
  • Good at cold reading, really good at thinking ahead and making predictions, loves sleight of hand
  • Uses his talents to pretend to be a magician and soothsayer and bring other mowas under his wing
  • (He's packless because of his strangeness, but he draws other outcasts to him because he's quite charismatic so I suppose that counts as a pack...)
  • He's very vain and thinks mowas with no interest in his tricks are boring
  • He can fend for himself but he's not spectacular at fighting/hunting, I'd say like... Average...
  • He uses natural crystals, herbs, bones and shells to read fortunes but honestly just makes things up as he goes