Simon de Cyrène



7 years, 1 month ago


Simon of Cyrene ❝ Rainbow Don Juan of the Roses ❞

French name Simon de Cyrène
Name meaning "The listener"
Gender Male (he/him)
Age 12/13 years old
Birthday March 25, 1999
MBTI ESFP - "The Performer"
Alignment Neutral Good - "The Benefactor"
Grade level Cinquième (7th grade)
Music theme

❝ You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming. ❞ ━ Pablo Neruda


Simon is a young boy whose parents are florists and own a flower shop in the same street as Philippe’s parents’ boulangerie. He is very eager to help people, so spend a lot of time arranging flowers and speaking with customers. Overall, he is liked by every regular in the shop. He isn't afraid to take roses and other thorned plants with his bare hands: “it just itches a little bit but that's okay!”. Because of all the work he does however, he barely has the time to do his homework. While he isn't a particularly misbehaving student, he sometimes has difficulty to keep up with the rhythm of the lessons.

Simon generally tries to be friendly towards everyone, and takes a lot of time to realize he has been wronged. He never takes the initiative to help people by himself, but will always accept and do his best when asked. Even if his appearance doesn't really show it, he is physically quite strong for a kid his age and would never miss an opportunity to prove it. He is also the type to get the blame to get his friends and acquaintances out of trouble, even when he is perfectly innocent.

Simon recently put words on his attraction to boys and now tries to be as flamboyant as possible! He likes to shop and thrift stores even though he's reasonably well off; they help him to develop his amazing style! Being very hyper and social, Simon loves to party (and kiss boys). He doesn't give a single fuck when other teens call him slurs. Simon always comes up with the most funny and cheesy pick-up lines; what a shame that most of his crushes don't return his feelings...

Simon isn't part of the Thirteen Club, as he prefers to watch their actions from afar.

Simon of Cyrene - Wikipedia 

 Stamps by Anti-Clive-LBP, pojkvan & catstam on DA. Coding by lowkeywicked.