


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full name

Clarissa Jones






Resistance Activist, former Pilot and amature mechanic

Personality in a nutshell

Manic, rowdy, Trigger-happy, bubbly, cocky, childish, extroverted


Voice claim: [x]

The Brawn of the team; Clarissa is known to be more muscle and running into a fight without thinking most of the time, rather than thinking up any plans. She's not particularly smart, but she tries her best. 


For as long as she could remember, Clarissa never really knew her parents. She was on her own since the age of 8, so far as she could recall; She lived on her own in the wastelands, a child playing pretend, yet still taking care of herself for a while in an abandoned barn in some grassy fields, or at least, what remained of them. Inside the barn, sat what looked like a plane; she wished it was it was a war plane, but it didn't seem very likely to be one, for the lack of any symbols on the parts. 

As time progressed, Clarissa began to discover little bits and pieces within the barn; some books, a pilot's helmet and some goggles. Still being a child around age 11 or so, She eventually had taught herself to learn on reading the books regarding the plane; how it worked, and more importantly, how to fly one. She always ended up fantasizing of flying in the skies in it one day; she'd 'practice' a ton in the plane within the barn. With that, that barn was what she considered home, that is until the Resistance found her there by herself.

It was then she had met Willie; at this rate, Willie acted like a parental figure to her; he looked after her, taught her much more, even given her the big opportunity to fly a plane now and again. During the time of being taught by Willie and other members of the resistance, she quickly learnt what reality sat in their world; the big city she always imagined flying into as a kid was rather dystopian; folks living there were told lies, and the heads of the Halcyon kept a close eye on what information was given out to its citizens; sure, it looked pristine clean, almost futuristic, and they did look optimistically to the future, yet nobody in there realized how dictating the leaders truly were underneath that nasty grin of theirs. Nobody but the resistance, that is.


"Gizmo": Awh, Miles. Good ol' Miles; He's practically a brother to Clarissa, and she wouldn't really be sure as to where or how she'd be without him at her side. Yeah, he tends to bicker a LOT in her decisions, and sometimes he's right, yet he doesn't know her method to her madness! But nah, instead, the two bicker, and banter at each other like sister and brother. Good times!

Willie: She's known this man for so long - he may as well be her father, at this rate. A bit scruffy lookin' most of the time, but he means well. Clarissa always shows a soft kindness with him, and does her best to pay attention to anything he says.

Glitch: Why is this man(?) so mysterious?! As each day passes, Clarissa always feels the urge to eventually try and yank that helmet off of Glitch's silly head; she just wants to see what's hiding underneath. He's cheeky, and is typically a fun friend to be around for Clarissa, yet her curiosity still remains with him; one day she'll find out.