Seiliyah Maeral



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Seliyah Maeral

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Straight

Birthday: 12th July

Year/Grade: 1st


Ability score: 3.4

Tier: Mid

Ability: Security Feed

Ability description: User makes eye contact with someone and is able to see what the target has seen in the last week, like a video feed. It can last for 3 minute, but will end if eye contact is broken. Many details are skipped, only particularly strong memories are presented.


Personality: Introverted, judgemental, really good with words and knows what she's doing, petty, spiteful, ambitious, perceptive, intelligent, blunt, insensitive, self-entitled, arrogant, imperious, organised, dutiful, gets-jealous-easily, charismatic, distrustful (they don't trust easily), secretive, closed-off, optimistic, loyal, diligent, earnest, hardworking, knowledgeable, 


Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Gray

Signature colour: Gray

Height: 180cm

Build: Slim, rectangle body shape, oval face shape

Skin: Pale


Background: She comes from a family of lawyers, or basically any other job related to the government. When Seiliyah was young, she was energetic, playful and lively like most other kids. She easily made friends. Seiliyah found that she got easily jealous, petty & kinda spiteful when she was young and would sometimes steal stuff from others because of her envy. Her parents were kinda strict and although they loved her, didn't buy things that they considered to be unnecessary for her to have. As she grew older, Seiliyah found that she had a natural talent at memorising stuff and was also quick to understand & learn things, so she was good with academics. When she was in middle school, some regarded her as a "princess" because she often got higher grades than the Queen. The Queen managed to keep her cool most of the time, but eventually was pissed off enough to pull her aside and beat her up. The Queen got away with it, and this prompted a few to try and bully Seiliyah into doing their homework etc for them. Seiliyah was glad/satisfied that she was enough to enrage the Queen like that - she found it funny. However, she hated that people thought they could get away with messing with her. Seiliyah learned to persuade people into doing things for her, and she managed to defend herself from others. Seiliyah grew to be kinda popular and she acted friendly with others, although she absolutely hated it. She trained a bit to get stronger towards the end of middle school, wanting to be able to defend herself better. This paid off, as she increased her ability level. Seiliyah doesn't hesitate to use words as a weapon, and she's ruthlessly blunt about things. She hates it when people waste her time and doesn't hesitate to hurt others. Seiliyah has her own group of friends but isn't particularly close to them. Seiliyah knows who to stay on the good side of, and who to avoid. She spends quite a lot of time reading. She aspires to work in a high-ranking government job, like her family.