Veria Cidelpha



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Veria Cidelpha 

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Lesbian

Birthday: 14th November

Year/Grade: 3rd


Ability score: 4.7

Tier: Elite


Ability description:


Personality: Laidback, extroverted, sociable, blunt, perceptive, kinda insecure, kinda burdened, kinda coldhearted, spiteful


Hair colour: Pale blue

Eye colour: Silver

Signature colour: Silver

Height: 185cm

Build: Athletic

Skin: Pecan brown


Background: Veria comes from an elite family. Her father was loving and a bit of a prankster, and she was rather close to him growing up. He was more of the one that did the housework and took care of the kids. Her mother was the strict, judgemental one that helped her do her schoolwork, train her ability, educated her, went out to work, etc. Veria feels like she's being judged everytime her Mom is within sight. She was not as close to her mother, and sometimes wonders how tf her parents got together. Veria has an older brother who's 10 years older than her. He took after their Dad, and was loving and a prankster. Her mother was the one that disciplined them. Veria's mother constantly put expectations on Veria and her brother growing up, and constantly compared Veria and her brother to others. Veria made quite a few friends in school, but Veria's mother never approved of them and tried to force Veria to acquaint herself with people who Veria's mother deemed to be "high-class". When it came to Veria's mother, Veria's father didn't seem to have as much authority, and she didn't dare question it. Veria found herself with more and more responsibilities, burdens, expectations, work etc as she grew older and she found herself wishing she was a kid again and playing with her father and brother. She honestly just wanted to chill and mess around, so she acts laidback irl, trying to escape from the expectations. Veria doesn't exactly work well with a lot of pressure. She doesn't understand people like the royals who choose to take up positions of power that comes with a lot of pressure. Veria is kinda jealous of mid-tiers who she thinks have a much easier time, and she feels pity towards low-tiers & cripples but doesn't bother doing much to help them. Veria thinks she already has enough on her plate to be helping someone else. Veria found that she was rather awful with her words in high school, and usually blurted things out in a harsh way which didn't give her a good reputation amongst the weaker tiers. In her 2nd year, a 1st year kid who she despised joined a program. She joined it too, and pretended to be the quiet kid so that she could roast him back later brutally. It worked, and she managed to humiliate the kid and created a sort of rivalry. Veria doesn't really have many close friends at school, only a couple of acquaintances. She only does what she's told because she has to, and wouldn't hesitate to fight or threaten someone if need be. Veria likes horror movies and doesn't get frightened easily.