


7 years, 27 days ago

Basic Info


Demi-god Dog

Gender || Pronouns

male || he/him


Over 30, he lost track, honestly


6'2" average, maximum 30', minimum 6"


~160 lbs


Angelo. The Seraph of Retribution, Angelic God of Monsterkind, Bringer of the Stars and Father to Clay Children, Populator of the Shard Island

The first of his dog and hopefully the last.

Originates from a timeline that never should have happened. A timeline that now no longer exists, destroyed, with what remains left in the void. A small island floating in the nothingness, big enough only for some fields, a forest, and his home, a large tower to what used to be the heavens.

There's less to tell of his past as time goes on, less that seems actually important to get into. He killed someone he was never supposed to kill in revenge, retribution he called it, for the murder of his little sister, Poppy, and paid for it. Out of the obsession to fulfill a promise he made to her, he took a new name, propped himself up as a god, and tried to lead his world along a path that would at least help make those left happy.

And while it might have made others happy, all it all left him with was loneliness, depression, and an all-consuming guilt.

However, in that time, he made his angels, his children, who brought him some amount of comfort and love, and he gave the same in return, as best he could. Even when his timeline was brought to obliteration, they kept him afloat.

And now, all he wants is his family to be happy and safe, and no one will stop him from doing that.

Can be very friendly, playful, and charismatic on a good day, but can be detached and uncaring, even isolating himself at his worst. While he is somewhat intelligent, he’s still not as smart or wise as he wants to make himself out to be, to the point that sometimes he'll commit to saying or doing something without actually thinking it through and worry about reasons and excuses later.

He is very strong and powerful, even if weakened at the moment. However, his strength is executed in simplistic ways, mainly focused on raw power, and he becomes very predictable in terms of tactics.

[[ co-created with Catterfly ]]