
3 years, 5 months ago


Future after future, I'll find the one that makes you happy.
May 2nd
Male (He/Him)
Type A
  • Adventure Novels
  • Coffee
  • Traveling
  • Ice Cream
  • Alcohol
  • Insects
  • Winter
  • Routine

Lyr was born into a normal family, with very little notable about him. However when he turned thirteen he awakened his powers as oracle and soon caught the attention of the Queen of Ralta. He was summoned to the castle to work as the official oracle, leaving his friends and family behind. He worked diligently for the Queen until one of his visions led him to discover a darker side of the kingdom. He fled the castle to seek out the aid of one of the only people known to be out of the kingdom's reach, the necromancer Neno.

Lyr is generally a sweet and soft spoken person. He puts other people's needs above his own most of the time, a bad habit sometimes bordering on being self-sacrificing. Though he's often mistaken for a pushover because of his quiet nature, he can be obnoxiously stubborn when it comes to things he believes in. He has a very strong sense of justice and will always try to right any wrongs, even those outside his power.

  • Pupils are diamond/sparkle shaped.
  • Has light freckles.
  • Hair fades out to pink at the ends.
  • When not wearing the ceremonial oracle robes his taste in clothing is much more masculine.
  • Despite his small build his ability to see the future makes him a fairly competent fighter.
  • He's a big fan of ghost stories.

Childhood Friend



Lyr has adored Aria since he was a young child and she stood up against a group of bullies for him. They were inseperable until he movied to the capitol, but despite the distance he still cares deeply for her. Although he has a crush on her, he's seen from his visions that his feelings are unlikely to be reciprocated in any timeline where she'll be happy and has no intentions of confessing.




Lyr began living with Neno after fleeing the kingdom and borderline bullying him into hosting him. They settled into an oddly domestic relationship until Lyr is safe. Despite Neno being more than a bit intimidating Lyr has no fear of them, knowing from his visions that they're a kind person, and gets along quite comfortably with them. If the player follows certain storylines they may begin dating.




Being two of the kingdom's leading magic users Lyr and Toma have had several run-ins with each other. While Lyr is one of the few people not subject to Toma's condescension, he still finds his smug attitude grating. He's not the type to pick a fight with him, but he generally avoids him. He does, however, find a certain amount of charm to his genuine interest in magical theory and the two can happily discuss this for hours.