Zayne Barlowe



3 years, 5 months ago



Name Zayne Barlowe
Gender Male
Age 32
DoB August 31, 1985
Height 6'1"
Sexuality bisexual
ESP Ability Singular Telepathy
Creator Roi
CSS Eggy


  • 90's films & music
  • routine
  • forests, lakes, mountains- that sort of nature


  • losing of any kind
  • bullies- he will always protect the underdog
  • running out of cigarettes


People either absolutely love Zayne or absolutely hate him; usually they start with the hate and work their way to the love. Or sometimes they stay in the hate. It's no matter to him. Zayne oozes confidence, always calm and collected in nearly every situation. It takes a lot to make him emote or become animated, seeing as he's the sort that lets things slide off his back. This isn't to say he's a doormat- his school years are plagued by many fist fights to protect his twin brother from bullies. Zayne is a protector at heart- one who isn't afraid to throw down for his loved ones. Though he can be chatty, people tend to speak to his brother, Alvin, to relate their message to Zayne. It's no matter, he loves talking with his brother!


Zayne is an agent that works for the ESPers- a secret and elite team of FBI agents who have psychic powers. Zayne and his twin brother, Alvin, can telepathically communicate only with one another. This is a valuable skill though, and even when split up and without basic communication tools, they can relay information to one another reliably. Thus, Zayne is dispatched purely as a field agent; one who is always deployed on the front lines. Zayne doesn't mind, he knows he's very capable and any task placed into his hands will be accomplished in a timely manner.


Zayne is the younger twin brother to Alvin, the only children to the Barlowe family. Their mother was an Olympic athlete and star, dominating in swimming; their father took a more traditional approach, choosing a life as a surgeon. They grew up happily in the state of Oregon- normal children... mostly. They have the ability to speak telepathically to one another. Of course, one more blip in their lives aren't quite so normal. At age 7, their father attempted to commit familicide. The twins managed to hide in a deranged version of hide and seek- their mother took the brunt of the injury, who ended up killing her husband in self-defense. Due to their mother being severely injured, the family moved in with their maternal grandparents, continuing to live a happy, though scarred, childhood.

Growing up, it was easy to see the stark differences between Alvin and Zayne. Alvin, who has heterochromia, was often picked on for "looking weird" and overall just being the timid twin. Zayne got into many, many fights with bullies over the years- from elementary all the way to high school. His protective streak is never questioned and should you find yourself in his inner circle, he'll gladly throw hands to protect you.

The twins are highly intelligent and extremely athletic. Due to the circumstances in their own life from their dad, they decided to both pursue careers into the law. They always ended up at the top of their class and eventually it would leak to extremely high ups that they possess a very unusual skill- their telepathy. It's due to this perfect cocktail that the FBI reached out to them. They had created an elite and secret new team of psychically gifted agents. Alvin and Zayne accept, vowing to protect others. They will come at you with renewed fire in their eyes should the case have women or children as the victims.


  • Between Alvin and Zayne, Zayne is considered the brawn. He's agile, strong and has quick reflexes.
  • Zayne smokes more often than Alvin, though they can be found smoking and chatting together.
  • Zayne loved collecting Pogs in the 90's- a hobby he still continues to this day.
  • Zayne never starts a fight- he only finishes them.
  • Zayne has many moles on his body and a couple on his face!
  • Zayne has gotten into over 20 fights in his life- and has been suspended quite a few times. Never expelled- he talked his way out of that.
  • Since the twins both are "Agent Barlowe," Zayne will answer to: Agent Barlowe, Agent Zayne, Barlowe or Zayne.



Alvin Barlowe

 twin brother 

Zayne's elder twin brother. Zayne adores Alvin and thinks his brother is perfect. They're incredibly close. Though Zayne has a leader personality, he's usually following Alvin around.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.