


3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Callum.

Gender: Male.

Age: 25.

Height: 5’4.

Species: Dog.



Calm, soft spoken, and very sentimental. While not being outwardly emotional very often, he is precious about his things, and everything he owns has a story behind it or means something to him. Innocent, doe-eyed, and immature, Callum gets mistaken to be much younger than he actually is on the daily. He doesn’t mind this though, since he’s not very interested in “mature” and “masculine” hobbies or interests. He doesn’t see anything wrong with owning lots of stuffed animals, or collecting cute pens, or wearing soft animal hoodies.

Callum is extremely friendly, and eager to share his things or talk about what he enjoys. He’s described by others as having a gentle, trustable aura.


General facts/trivia:

♡ Loves sweets! Breakfast foods are his favorite, like pancakes and French toast.

♡ If he eats something sour, bitter, or burnt his face will scrunch up like he’s about to cry and he’ll spit it out! No likey. Bad!

♡ Has a very large stuffed animal collection!!

♡ Very physically affectionate, he loves to hold hands and hug!

♡ Callum is very sensitive to “bad texture”, specifically when it come to clothes and surfaces. He makes a face like sucking on a lemon when he touches something he doesn’t like.

♡ So sleepy... zzzzzzz