


3 years, 4 months ago


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ID# FR - 1211432431     Status: ACTIVE

Full Legal Name
Isak Dahl
November 19th, 2032
Organic-Cybernetic Specialist
Authority Level

  EDENBERG Agent  

Isak Dahl, preferring to be referred to by his designation BASIL, is an expatriate of Norway and a former bioengineering student who suffered grevious injuries prior to his recruitment into EDENberg that makes him ineligible for field work despite cybernetic implants. After showing a penchant for organic enhancements, specializing in the breed of cybernetics he designs himself, Basil has proven himself to be an irreplacable asset to the technological department and has since then been stationed to his own personal site in the Italian countryside.

Despite his kind and likable demeanor that makes him a prime candidate for partner work, Basil has requested he work alone after Incident B-23, and all attempts to assign him further partners have henceforth been dismissed and are not to be attempted again. Basil is authorized to work independently for the forseeable future, preceding ongoing successful monthly evaluations, and stays within the yearly budget alloted to him. However, his position as emergency cybernetic surgeon has been cleared, and authorization to deliver agents to him as needed is passed for operating agents with authority level 2-H and higher.

Basil's work as a cybernetic specialist is to be contained off-field, as he has been observed to work poorly under pressure and is liable to let his own perturbed moral compass get the best of him. As a result, Basil is ineligible for field work and any requests made to the contrary will be quickly dismissed and the filing agent reprimanded. Basil's severe stutter as a result of his speech impediment makes him ineligible for advisor work as well.

Personal Records

As with many in the technological department, Basil has been observed to work poorly under intense pressure and prefers to keep to himself as a result of past incidents with other agents. However, Basil has also been observed as working very well with others in the past, his mind being geared towards conforming to whoever he's with, and gets along with most types of agents. Basil's patience has been tested as one of the highest in the technological department and has no issues working with others when it's on his own terms, but has expressed a dislike in situations or agents being thrust upon him when he has no clear exit strategy.

Basil's nerves are his biggest downfall. He is patient and dependable, completing his objectives seamlessly when he's left to his own devices, has been described by other agents as "friendly" and "approachable", yet crumbles when he is faced with a time-sensitive situation he does not know the immediate solution to. Suffering from a severe stutter since his childhood days that only worsened after his incident prior to recruitment that cost him his arms, Basil is an extremely anxious agent out of his element and has a tendency to be unpredictable outside of the lab.

Due to Basil's enhanced strength and mental state as a result of his cybernetic implants he is to be kept calm at all times and approached on his terms with future work. This is non-negotiable.


Under Pressure

Physical Records

Height/Weight: 6'3 (192cm)/235lbs
Build: Muscular, solid
Eyes: Brown/Blue (cybernetic)
Hair: Red
Often styled short
Demeanor: Careful
To Note: Enhanced strength
Magnetic arms 'float' around him
Cybernetic eye 'lights up' when in use

Notable Features

Full Records

Before Recruitment (Updated 7/30/2052)

Prior to his recruitment into the EDENberg organization, Basil was born to the late ██ and ██ Dahl - two former members of Doctors Without Borders whose files have been locked by the American government, and all attempts to retrieve them has ended in failure. The organization's knowledge of Basil's history prior to recruitment is sparse, proceed with that in mind. ██ and ██ Dahl departed from Norway on bitter terms to relocate to ██, Syria to continue their work. Their untimely deaths resulted from a miscommunication within the American government concerning a rebellion across the city, the details of which the organization is unclear on. Basil was then put into the care of his adult sister, whose current whereabouts and condition is unknown. All attempts to contact her have ended in failure.

During Basil's enrollment in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for bioengineering, Basil was the sole victim of a lab incident occurring shortly after an argument broke out between Basil and two other students, resulting in the loss of Basil's arms and permanent damage to his right eye. Details regarding the context of the incident are unknown, but it is believed the two other students initiated the altercation. The other two students were unharmed. Basil first came to the organization's attention shortly after this, with the successful construction and implementation of his first cybernetic arm prototype on MIT's campus, performed on himself. He was then approached with an offer that was readily accepted.

Incident B-23 (Updated 9/25/2055)

Three years into his membership in EDENberg, Basil was involved in what will be referred to as Incident B-23. Incident B-23 came as a direct result of an unexplained conflict between Agent Basil and Agent Bishop, the details of which both parties refused to elaborate on once they were separated. The two were found in a physical altercation that had to be broken up by their senior overseer, Agent Helstrom. Agent Bishop suffered a deep laceration on his cheek, which was then replaced with cybernetics courtesy of Agent Helstrom after it became infected a week later. Agent Basil suffered no physical injuries. Both agents were reprimanded and separated for their own safety and the safety of others. Following this incident, Basil will no longer be assigned partners or lab assistants and any interaction between the two parties involved is henceforth banned.

Current (Updated 2/16/2065)

To keep further incidents from occurring, Basil has been relocated to the technological outpost S7 in Alberobello, Italy, and has since then been working at unparalleled efficiency. No further incidents have occurred following Incident B-23 and Basil has proven himself to be a self-disciplined agent who needs little oversight and input to his work, preferring to work alone. As of now, Isak Dahl outside of the organizaton is recorded as living and working back in his hometown in Norway, a front we must upkeep at all costs. Basil is cleared to have limited freedom within Alberobello, such as being allowed to get his own groceries and interacting with the locals as long as he agrees to be subject to monthly evaluations and monitoring. His work is ongoing.


Language Code:
Norwegian, English, French, Italian
Marital Status:
Primary Next of Kin (PNOK):
Blood Type:
Loud Sounds
Gore, Sight of Blood
Running Water
Public Speaking
  • Do not send on missions concerning any of the above listed aversions.
  • Despite his speech impediment, has a strange love for karaoke.
  • Friendly and gets along with most everybody. Only likes interaction on his own terms.
  • Impressive long and short term memory. Picks up on patterns very easily, yet tends to avoid his more curious impulses.
  • Four years into his work with the organization Basil created cybernetic enhancements powered by magnetism and now uses these for most of his work. These magentic arms appear to 'float' around him when in use, and like his organic cybernetics they are controlled by his cybernetic eye.
  • Concerning agent referral to his care: proceed with caution. Basil has been observed to be unpredictable in stressful situations and past incidents could make him a liability. Inform referred agent of Basil's current status before transfer.



Roman Tretyakov

Following Incident B-23, Roman and Basil were seen to act openly hostile to one another and were forced apart so the organization would not have to resort to termination. Despite multiple attempts to reconcile the two shortly afterwards, all attempts were met in vain, and presently the two agents have been separated for the wellbeing of themselves and others. It is unknown if these two agents will act hostile towards one another if brought together now, and all requests to do so will be thrown out and the requesting agent reprimanded.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae sagittis sollicitudin, leo mauris aliquet odio, at congue lectus libero sit amet diam.