

3 years, 4 months ago


An absolute leviathan of a robot, RM-LEN is a 100ft long reformatted sea traveling vessel.  In the Reign of Humans, ve was used by scientists to scour the seas, acting as a lab and home.  As time progressed however with the War, seafaring wasn't safe anymore, and ve felt that ve was going to be used for more nefarious purposes.  Thus, one night when the war hit the seas, ve revealed vis sentience by dropping vis passengers off to land, delving into the depths of the sea for one hundred years.

Personality wise, ve is quite snarky.  Ve loves to figure out math money problems.  Ve loves grammar and vocabulary.  Ve also has an eight legged contraption that ve uses to wander land. Not exactly easy considering how big ve is, but ve manages to try to do as minimal damage as possible.  Ve says ve uses it as a kindness to the inferior land dwellers, but ve just wants to be around people and other robots. Ve is also secrerly very lonely and just wants a special someone who doesn't mind traveling the depths of the seas and showing its mysteries to them.  

You could say that ve is siblings with KV-YAR, as they share the same creator and base programming.