Eli LeRocas



3 years, 4 months ago



killer whales chasing sharks

revenge is bitter


Name Elias LeRocas
Age 22
Gender NB (He/They)
Class Mage
Birthday March 15
Height 5'9
Orientation Achillean
Job Sailor

  • The Ocean
  • Singing
  • Spelunking

  • Rats
  • Red Moons
  • Rice


  • Eli has been sailing ever since he was ten, when he stowed away on a ship to keep himself from drowing. He works as the mechanic and scouter for his crew.
  • Eli hates rice and loves most sweet drinks. His favourite is lassi.
  • His magic is based around the control of water, and is tied to the ocean- the closer he is to the ocean, the stronger his magic. This includes water that feeds in from the ocean.
  • He's a very skilled swordsman, and has occasionally worked as a mercenary for extra cash.
  • One of his favourite hobbies is breaking into old tombs and trying to unravel the secrets behind them- especially old underwater ones.
  • He's almost catlike with how nimble he is- a background in acrobatics helps.

Design Notes

  • Elias's eyes are multicoloured, going from a reddish colour to gold to green.
  • Elias has trwo leather bracelets on his left arm he's never seen without.
  • His hair was red, but many parts have been lightened to a golden yellow. He likes to keep it around mid-back length.
  • Eli tends to wear only one glove on his right hand- the one he grips his sword with.
  • There are often beads tied into Eli's hair, usually strung in bits of string or leather. This is Vesper's doing.
  • Eli keeps a canteen strung to his belt at all times. Usually it contains water.
  • There's a small lip piercing on the right side of his mouth.
  • He has a small mark on the bridge of his nose.


  • Robin (Mechanic): Mother figure.
  • Vesper (Cartographer): Friend + Shipmate
  • Piper (Muscle): Robins girlfriend and a friend.


Elias LeRocas was born in a small coast town situated by the ocean. When he was young, he often used to assist his family with chores by climbing into high up places that they couldn't, as well as general repair around the villiage. Eventually, he got into performing for them on his free days, often doing acrobatics acts with his father. His mother told him stories about the greatest pirates when he was young, and for quite a while, that was what he wanted to be- a great pirate, sailing the oceans and ridding them of anyone cruel or unjust.

When Eli was nine or so, a giant ship came into harbour. The townspeople went out to greet it, only to be brutally attacked by a large mass of pirates, all of which first looted the town, set fire to it, and then rounded up the villagers to amuse them on the ship. Most of these villagers were made to walk them plank, once further out; Eli was one of them, sent out after his father. Right before being sent out, he managed to snag a necklace off one of the pirates- the so called captain.

He nearly drowned that day, only managing to cling onto a spare bit of wood that had drifted out from the destruction of the town. For a while, that was all they could do- cling to the board and pray that someone, anyone, would see him and pull him up.

With a stroke of luck, he happened to floa right by a large cargo ship, one that had cast a net down its side. Managing to climb up, he snuck his way below deck and hid away.

For a few days, that was where they hid, scrouging what he could find from the chips cabins and working to fight against the cold he was absolutely bound to get. This didn't last for very long, of course- one of the crew members, Robin, found him one day as he was attempting to steal some cheese from the kitchen. He was dragged out before the ship's captain and crew, and for a fearful few minutes, nearly sent overboard.

Luckily for him, however, Robin saved his sorry ass. Mentioning that they had to have been very recourseful to hide out on the ship for so long, she suggested that rather than throwing him overboard for the theft and stowing away, they got some use out of him. Eli readily agreed to this, unwilling to test the waters once again.

Robin wasn't an easy woman to work for, but neither was she overly harsh. While Eli was often pushed to work as hard as he possibly could, Robin made sure he was able to rest peacefully and made sure he was cared for. It was a rough and tumble sort of arrangement at first, but soon enough they fell into a steady rhythm- snapping insults back and forth as they both worked in the belly of the ship, bickering over food and laughing over stories told in the crew's cabin at night.

When Robin left the crew, she dragged Eli along with her. Her bones were as strong as ever, but she often justified it by saying she could do with someone catering to her when she felt under the weather- who wouldn't?

For years, Eli and Robin toted around crews- the mother and child duo, or so they were ribbingly nicknamed. Eli took the time they had on land to learn more about the crew that had massacred his village, using the necklace to find any possible hints he could. He learned more about the jobes him and Robin took then too- they were dangerous jobs, toting valuable goods that could or couldn't be legal across the seas. They never knew what those goods were for, only their job- and he was content with that.

Eventually, Robin and Eli settled down with one crew that they had amassed through their rounds. Travelling the seas, Eli and the crew grew a name and reputation for himself.

On one of these trips, a large storm struck- Eli was up on the mast at the time, attempting to fasten the sails, when he was flung overboard. For the second time in his life, the waves buffeted him, pulling him under.

When he woke up, he found himself in a glowing, crystalline cave. The water in his lungs had been pulled out, and a small bubble of air now surrounded him. He was surprisingly well, though he had no idea where he was or how long it had been. This cave was where he met the spirit- one he never got the name of, and resorted to calling it "Deninzio" or "the Spirit" alternatively. The time he spent with the spirit was long, but he learned much about the water then- after convincing it to give him the time of day past saving him, of course.

When he finally returned to the surface, the crew had assumed him lost to the sea- it seemed that Deninzio had a sense of humour, throwing him up in the middle of his small funeral party.

As more time went by, Eli continued to learn more- about how to control water, how to use a sword even more adeptly, and how to track. And eventually, he did find the name of that pirate. With his eyes set on the horizon, he knew what his next steps would be. After all, why would they give them any more time?

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