

Basic Info

Home planet:



Currently not in any kingdom, but he previously resided in the Kingdom of Arwyn


German Koolie mix (also part wolf)



"Why did I have to be born to the king and the queen? Was it some cruel Fate, who wanted to laugh at my every failure? I don’t doubt it. Why else would such a quiet man such as myself be born a prince? It’s not like I can talk to anyone, let alone rule a kingdom. I guess Fate has a sense of humor…"

Name: Shogun
Gender: Male
Kingdom: Currently not in any kingdom, but he previously resided in the Kingdom of Arwyn
Age: Technically 23. Was 19 when he died, so he appears to be 19. (Human years)
Species: Canine (dog/wolf)
Breed: German Koolie mix (also part wolf)
Origin: Kingdom of Arwyn
Demeanor: Reserved
Alignment: Neutral Good
Unofficial Theme Song: Jolt by Unlike Pluto

If drawing, keep in mind that that is fire coming from his ears, eyes, and mouth.

Shogun is a former prince who was overwhelmed by the responsibility of ruling. In attempt to run away from his responsibilities, he tried to fake his death by catching his room on fire and escaping out from the window. However, this attempt backfired and he ended up actually dying in the flames.

Years later, he came back to life in a strange new form, but he's not sure how or why.

(For more detailed information click his 'backstory' tab!)

Stress Tolerance
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Shogun was once a prince, but he was too nervous to rule. He was very shy and resevered, and he didn't want to have the responsibility to guide his kingdom. One night, in his desperation to escape having all of these responsibilities, he set his room on fire, planning to fake his death and run away. This didn't go as planned. The night that he set his room on fire, his window was locked and he was unable to escape. He died in the flames in his bedroom. Years after his death, he came back to life, though his form looked different. He now had colored flames coming from his ears, eyes, and mouth, and dynamite was tied to his back, though the explosive seemed unable to go off. He was unsure why he arose, especially why he had arose in this strange new form. Perhaps he had unfinished business. Perhaps he was destined for something more. He assumes that it must be a punishment of some kind for what he did in attempt to escape his responsibilities. As he roams the lands, he does his best to keep his distance from his kingdom. He just wanders alone, though occasionally he'll come across other travelers and spend some time with them for a while as long as they're friendly. He normally stays in the forests, trying to avoid contact with anyone else.

Shogun still does think about his kingdom, quite often, in fact. He has regrets about what happened and he wishes that he could just let them know that he is okay, but he fears how they will react to the truth and to his newfound abilities. He also still is afraid of the responsibility that comes with ruling the kingdom and, inside, he is somewhat glad that he now doesn’t have to have the responsibility now that he is thought to be dead.

He hasn’t checked on the kingdom up close, in fear of being spotted, but he listens in whenever he hears passing travelers speaking about it and, when he’s traveling in higher areas such as the mountains, he glances at his kingdom from the distance, hoping that they are doing well without him.

Since he didn’t come back to life until a few years after his death, he doesn’t know much about how the kingdom was right after his death, but, from what he’s heard, the kingdom is currently doing well, as far as he knows, anyways. (But, in reality, the king and queen are increasingly growing distant from each other and constantly argue behind closed doors, though they do their best not to let this get out to their kingdom.)


King Monty

[ Father ] Shogun gets along decently well with his father, though his father's strictness and determination for making Shogun into the perfect future king stresses Shogun out. The stress from living up to his father's ideals is overwhelming for him, and it's one of the reasons that Shogun tried to fake his death. Now that Shogun is thought to be dead, King Monty is distraught and full of grief. Monty's grief has led him to start acting less reasonable and he believes that someone must have purposely killed Shogun instead of it being an accident. In attempt to find blame and find a way to avenge his son, he searches for this supposedly-existing killer (although there actually is no killer). This goes against his wife's (the queen's) back, since she doesn't agree with Monty and she wants him to stop this investigation.


Queen Azure

[ Mother ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Prince Mercutio

[ Younger Brother ] Mercutio and Shogun's life together was pretty much your typical sibling rivalry. Sure, they didn't always get along, but, despite this, they cared for each other. Shogun was generally the more tame sibling, compared to Mercutio. Mercutio would quite often pick on his older brother and mess with him, trying his hardest to annoy him, but this was mainly because he actually enjoyed being around him. Shogun would pick on his younger brother some, too, though not nearly as much. Shogun's death broke Mercutio. He was disheartened and full of grief, but he didn't want to show this grief, so he tried to bury inside. However, this only fueled a growing anger inside as the pain from the loss of his brother ate him up inside. This feeling is further worsened by his father's persistence in finding Shogun's supposed killer, instead of focusing on Mercutio's worsening mental state. Only his mother and a few friends are able to temporarily comfort his hardened mind. Despite that they are more than willing to help, he still keeps his dark thoughts to himself, irrationally being afraid of disappointing and pushing away those who he is close to.



[ Acquaintance ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Click on the questions to reveal the answer! Click them again to hide the answer.

What inspired you to create him the kind of backstory he has, especially the part about locking himself in and dying in the fire?

Asked by Caine.

For his backstory, I knew that I wanted it to contain fire, since he had fire abilities and I wanted a way to explain that. I also wanted to make sure that it was believable and, at least to some degree, relatable. Everyone gets overwhelmed at times, so I'm sure most readers would understand the stress from all of his responsibilities. Granted, most people wouldn't go as far to try to fake their own death to escape it, but, still, it's not inconceivable. As you read, instead of escaping from the fire, he ended up actually dying. I felt like having him survive his escape wouldn't cause as much of an impact. Plus, it's symbolic of the ultimate consequence for giving in to stress and letting it consume you, just as the fire 'consumed' him. Years later, he 'wakes up' from his death with a newfound appearance, showing how stress changes you to the point where you can become unrecognizable. This is the point where he realizes the errors of his ways and tries to cover them by hiding in the forest, but all this does is worsen how he feels. Eventually, he must face his problems head on and take back his responsibility.

How would he react if someone tried to contact him and would be really persistent about it? Would he converse with them or prefer just avoiding them with his best abilities, or something else?

Asked by Caine.

It really depends on who it is that is trying to talk to him. For most others, he would tolerate it. He would respond, usually hoping to end the conversation as quickly as possible. He wouldn't just rudely ignore them, although he would probably feel a bit uncomfortable and perhaps paranoid that they would recognize him. Sometimes, he may find a few travelers that he more quickly feels comfortable with and he may even befriend them, but he wouldn't give out much personal information. He may not even tell them his real name. If it was someone he knew from before he died, though, he would probably try his best to pretend that he didn't hear them. If they didn't take the hint and leave him alone, he may even just run off. He might want to talk to them, but he would be too afraid to let them know that he is still alive, in fear of how they would react and how his family would react if word was spread to them.

What kind of plans do you have for him? Are you going to develop his story more? And if yes, what kind of direction will you take with him and his fate (if you can tell)?

Asked by Caine.

Yes, I do have plans for him! I'm working on a story idea featuring him as one of the main characters. The other main character is my character Ryker, who is a prince from another kingdom, but the king is his step-father and has two biological sons, so it unlikely that Ryker will become ruler himself. The king who is Ryker's father, King Minkley, is actually one of the main antagonists of the story and is verbally abusive towards Ryker, since Minkley has a deep-rooted dislike towards though he he perceives as 'weak,' due to events in his life which led him to believe so. Some of King Minkley's backstory is actually a parallel to Shogun's backstory - he ran away from his responsibilities as next-in-line-for-the-throne (although he didn't fake his death like Shogun), but, unlike Shogun, he was caught. After that event, Minkley's parents would constantly call him 'weak' for what he did in his youth. Bitter from this torment, King Minkley now wants to prove his parents wrong, even though they have passed, and rid his kingdom of what he considers to be 'weaknesses.' In his bitter rage, he had been plotting for the last few years to attack the Kingdom of Arwyn (Shogun's home kingdom), to show his strength and also as revenge for the death of his first wife, who actually had died on the same day as Shogun. The flames from Shogun's attempt to escape had burned through the door and across the hall to her room, where she had been staying in wait for a diplomatic meeting the next day. Eventually, Shogun will learn of King Minkley's plan. Despite running away, Shogun still is ultimately loyal to his family and his kingdom, so he must find a way to stop this plan using his new powers before Minkley's plot can bring about violence and destruction. There's also more to the story, but I don't want to reveal that just yet until the whole story is outlined and wrote out in detail. These ideas are not set in stone and they are subject to change.

I know I ended up writing more about my other characters in this answer, but, while not all of it directly relates to Shogun, this is very important to his story as a whole.

Is Shogun's brother in line to become the next king, and if so why does his father not focus as much time and energy into grooming him to become the next king?

Asked by TheBottomOfTheTrash.

Yes, Shogun's brother Mercutio is in line to be the next king, however, their father King Monty's judgement has been blinded by grief, which has caused him to act irrationally and not think to train Mercutio like he should. The king believes that someone purposefully set Shogun’s room on fire to kill him, although this isn’t truly the case, and he’s so distracted by his obsession to find his supposed killer that he seems unable to concentrate on the real problems, such as his surviving son’s mental health. Mercutio does have some training, since both brothers had some training as they grew up, just in case, but Mercutio doesn't have as much training as he should. The queen has tried to train Mercutio some herself and she has attempted to convince the king to join her in Mercutio’s training, but to no avail. Without the both of them to train Mercutio to be king, his training isn’t nearly as effective. Due to his father paying more attention to avenging his dead brother rather than to him himself, Mercutio feels discouraged and unready to lead, but he, stubbornly, won’t let his parents or his kingdom see it.

If Shogun died in a fire, why out of all the possible objects is there dynamite strapped to his back?

Asked by TheBottomOfTheTrash.

The dynamite that is strapped to Shogun's back is not there by his choice. When he rose from the dead, it was attached to him, though he doesn't know how it got there or why it is there. He has tried to pry it off, but it doesn't seem to be able to be removed.

Honestly, I haven't fully decided on its purpose. It would probably be something that helps him further along in his story, if I decide to even keep it in his design. Really, I'm considering removing it from his design or just making it optional. I haven't decided for sure yet, I'll see how it goes further along in the development of him and the story he is in.

