TBN's Comments

Does anyone in my th interest you by any chance? No one is completely off limits but I may be extremely tent on those with the True Sona tag and the Story Character tag

I'm afraid I didn't see anyone!

hmmm are you looking for anything else? art or maybe money?

art or USD via PayPal! :D

what kind of art? i have a lot of examples on my website https://fishainsley.art/art

Perhaps a fullbody? :0

3 Replies

Hi! May I offer?

Of course!

Would anyone in ufo or secondary interests you? Sheep and preacher may be pending! I ask you don't offer on them! As well as ✨️, maybe as well!  or I can offer art and customs as themselves or add ons! + mixed offers!

Ones in secondary will be marked with offer if they are open!! Or you can ask about any others in the folder that interests you!^^

i didn't see anyone but, thank you for offering! 

You're welcome! Thanks for allowing me to offer!^^