

Age 104,030 years

Gender Female (she/her)

Height Medium - 7 ft

Astronomy Rosette Nebula

Animal Axolotl

Masterlist Entry #GDU4 - 018


  • (R) One energy gem
  • (R) Two eyes
  • (R) Animal ears & legs
  • (R) Galaxy tail
  • (R) Central heterochromia
  • (U) Galaxy ring in other place (halo)
  • (U) Galaxy ears
  • (U) Diamond shaped pupils
  • (U) Additional pair of wings (glasswing butterfly)


Optimistic Oblivious Caring Clumsy Intelligent

She may not be physically strong, but makes up for that with her strong will. Phoebe tries to always look towards the brightest things in life, no matter how bleak things may seem. She's rather fidgety and clumsy, and has a bad habit of accidently dropping whatever she's holding due to her absentmindedly messing around with it in her hands.


  • Sewing
  • Warm places
  • Eating


  • Allergies
  • Chocolate
  • Wind


She has rarely left her home planet and has little desire to explore much further out than the area she is familiar with, as the warm climate is something she enjoys and any nearby planets are much too cold for her liking. She's mostly content with life, but she is rather lonely even with the occasional visits from friends. Despite this, she has lots of things to occupy her, her favorite of which is sewing. She makes all of her clothes herself, and loves to gift clothes to any friend who happens to drop by at any given time.




Met her by chance one day, they eventually became friends.